Life-saving rules - IOGP Publications library
This report outlines a set of IOGP Life-Saving Rules which can be used in the oil & gas industry to mitigate risk and reduce fatalities. The Rules focus on modifying worker and supervisor behaviours in the workplace by raising awareness of the activities which are most likely to result in fatalities and simple actions individuals can take to ...
Geo-Information - IOGP
The updated ‘Guidelines for GNSS Positioning in the Oil and Gas Industry’ has been released by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) as IOGP Report 373-19 and the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) as IMCA S 015.
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers - Wikipedia
The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) is the petroleum industry's global forum in which members identify and share best practices to achieve improvements in health, safety, the environment, security, social responsibility, engineering and operations.
Geophysical operations - IOGP
The IOGP’s Geophysical Operations Subcommittee monitors and identifies the need for industry guidelines or standards for exploration, development and production related geophysical operations, with the objective of recommending good industry practice to improve the safety, quality and efficiency, and to develop new guidelines and standards as ...
Downloads - IOGP
GIGS Guidance Note (IOGP Report no. 430-1) v2.0 - Guideline on geospatial integrity and general advice for GIGS testing. GIGS User Guide (IOGP Report no. 430-2) v2.0 - Detailed technical procedures for all GIGS tests. GIGS Test Dataset v2.1 - …
IOGP 454: Human Factors Engineering - HPOG
This publication adopts a practical, cost-effective and balanced approach to applying HFE on projects. The publication was jointly developed by the Energy Institute (EI) and International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP), and supersedes the first edition of IOGP 454 Human factors engineering in projects.
Map of CO2 storage Projects in Europe - IOGP Europe
2023年10月10日 · This document provides IOGP’s response to the EIB Group’s Climate Bank Roadmap 2021-2025. IOGP recommends the EIB Group to set the financial support framework for innovative projects (inc...
IOGP S 563-2018 - 道客巴巴
2021年12月1日 · 更多相关文档 . Grace Anne - Kathi S. Barton 星级: 563 页 Aces Wild - Erica S. Perl 星级: 563 页 Plevris J N Hayes P C Kamath P S Wong Kee Song L S Eds 2018 Endoscopy in Liver Disease – Wiley Blackwell
IOGP data
The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) collects safety and environmental data from its Member Companies on an annual basis. The data presented in this website summarise information on exploration and production (E&P) activities carried out by participating IOGP Member Companies.
With the revision of Report 459, IOGP launches a simplified set of Life-Saving Rules to provide workers in the industry with the actions they can take to protect themselves and their colleagues from fatalities. IOGP aims to improve the level of industry-wide adoption across the global oil …