The mission of ITHF is to stimulate and facilitate connections and cultural sharing throughout the Rotary world by contact, hosting, visiting, and travel.
ITHF . TENNIS CLUB TENNIS CLUB OF TENNIS CLUB TENNIS CLUB TENNIS CLUB . Title: ITHF Logo Formats Overview Created Date: 1/18/2017 9:47:10 PM ...
International Table Hockey Federation - Wikipedia
International Table Hockey Federation (ITHF) is the world governing body for ITHF table hockey, providing World and European championships, [1] list of biggest international competitions, regulation of game and tournament rules [2] and world ranking. [3]
Logos and graphics - Rotary International
Your club can help build brand recognition by using our logos correctly and consistently. Always use your customized club, district, or zone logo when promoting your club or other Rotary entity or its activities. Learn how to create and use Rotary logos effectively and add them to your club or district communications.
Institut für Theologie und Frieden – Wikipedia
Logo. Das Institut für Theologie und Frieden (ITHF – Eigenschreibweise ithf) in Hamburg ist eine wissenschaftliche Einrichtung der römisch-katholischen Kirche in Trägerschaft der Deutschen Militärordinariates. Das ITHF wurde 1978 maßgeblich von Ernst Josef Nagel gegründet, aufgebaut und über fast zwei Jahrzehnte geprägt. [1]
扶輪社 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
扶輪社 (Rotary Club)是依循 國際扶輪 的規章所成立的地區性 社會團體,以增進 職業 交流及提供社會服務為宗旨,原則上在固定的時間及地點每週召開一次例行聚會(但每個月至少開兩次例會即可)。 每個扶輪社都是獨立運作的社團,但皆需向國際扶輪申請通過後才可成立,通常會以所在地的城市或地區名稱作為社名。 全球第一個扶輪社是由 保羅·哈里斯 在1905年2月23日創立於 美國 伊利諾州 芝加哥;最初此扶輪社的定期聚會是每週輪流在各社員的工作場所舉辦,因此便以 …
From Dusty to Digital! | Dell Chinese
2017年7月14日 · The International Tennis Hall of Fame (ITHF) was displaying less than 10 percent of its vast collections of over 25,000 tennis artifacts. In the digital era, space constraints are a thing of the past and ITHF knew it needed to transform its IT infrastructure to tennis fans across the globe.
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The Swiss Table Hockey Federation has informed ITHF, that Swiss Open 2021 is cancelled. ITHF has received the statement below: "The still missing planning reliability because of Covid 19 lead STHV to the decision to keep the tablehockey lockdown in Switzerland until at least the end of 2021. This means that Swiss Open 2021 is cancelled.
Team - ITHF
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Koch. Externer Projektleiter für Recht und Ethik im bewaffneten Konflikt