Golden Bull Academy - Johnson C. Smith University
Our GBA will allow you and your family members to: Engage with university leaders, faculty, staff and students to learn about JCSU’s curricular and co-curricular offerings and expectations! Interact with Academic Advisors and Success Coaches—and register for courses!
GBA schedule - Johnson C. Smith University
You can bring your Health Immunization Records with you to GBA. And, if you are not feeling well prior to your arrival to GBA, then please contact us at [email protected] and we will reschedule you for a later orientation session.
GBA Registration | Johnson C. Smith University - jcsu.edu
Our Summer 2025 GBA Sessions are scheduled for the following dates: GBA Session #1: Friday, June 20-Sunday, June 22: GBA Session #2: Thursday, July 10-Saturday, July 12: To get started with your registration process, follow these steps: Step #1: Register yourself and up to two guests by visiting these links: Apply to GBA Session 1
Home | JCSU Web Portal
The JCSU Web Portal blends academic, administrative, and social engagement in one centralized location. Calendars, blogs, announcements, course schedules and financial information —you get everything you need right on your smart phones, tablets, and other mobile devices.
Today... - Office of Admissions at Johnson C. Smith University
2023年6月23日 · Today kicked off day one of #goldenbullacademy ! We’re so excited to welcome our first batch of incoming freshmen, new students, family and friends. Students received academic advising, finalized...
Welcome to the herd! ... - Johnson C. Smith University
2021年8月3日 · Awesome my nephew B.M.W. is on his way to GBA@13th JCSU. Much success fall 2021 incoming class.
Information Technology | Support Center | JCSU Web Portal
Access your JCSU classroom online learning management system for courses. Access and manage your campus card accounts. App is used for quick mobile access to explore a lot of essentials that JCSU and GBA has to offer for our students and JCSU Community.
Guidelines - Main View | Step 8: Student ID | Accepted Students | JCSU …
All Johnson C. Smith University students, faculty and staff are required to have an ID card. Your JCSU ID-Card is used for many important services on campus such as building access, meal plan and flex dollars purchases, admittance to athletic events, and much more.
GBA FAQs | Johnson C. Smith University - jcsu.edu
Got questions? We are here to help! Explore our Frequently Asked Questions below for more information, or reach out to us at [email protected] and we will help you get your answer.
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