Joint Light Tactical Vehicle - Wikipedia
The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV), known and marketed under Oshkosh development as the L-ATV (Light Combat Tactical All-Terrain Vehicle), is a light utility/combat multi-role vehicle. The Oshkosh-developed JLTV was selected for acquisition under the US military 's Army-led Joint Light Tactical Vehicle program .
JLTV (Joint Light Tactical Vehicle) - Oshkosh Defense
With a protected gun mount, the JLTV HGC is the principal light vehicle for over-watch and direct fire support of infantry maneuvers, convoy escort, and security missions. Advanced non-kinetic weapon systems (such as lasers) can also be integrated to defend against swarming drones and other unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) threats.
美国JLTV联合轻型战术车:革新设计引发多维探讨 - 知乎
在现代军事技术的快速发展背景下,各国军队都在积极寻求装备升级和战术创新。美国JLTV(Joint Light Tactical Vehicle)联合轻型战术车作为新一代战术车辆,其出现无疑为军事领域带来了新的思考和探讨。本文将对JL…
2022年1月25日 · The eJLTV offers the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps the same level of performance and protection as the base JLTV with the addition of silent drive, extended silent watch, enhanced fuel economy, and increased exportable power that enables it to be used in combat and reconnaissance scenarios.
联合轻型战术车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年11月17日 · 联合轻型战术车(英语: Joint Light Tactical Vehicle ,简称 JLTV )是美军一个发展和洽谈中的国防计划,将研发新车型以取代悍马车。此车预计成为服役美军的主力四轮车种。
JLTV - 百度百科
联合轻型战术车辆(jltv),是美国陆军应对新时代战争需求的一个车辆系统。 可以通过直升机、运输机等多种方式运输,并拥有全地形行驶(ATV)和防地雷反伏击(MRAP)的能力,符合美军联合战术需求,目前由奥什科什防卫公司(Oshkosh Defense)中标生产。
JLTV A2 - AM General
The JLTV A2 is built to meet mission demands across the full range of military operations. Our proven transformative commercial manufacturing capabilities will deliver a JLTV A2 equipped with technical enhancements that surpass requirements.
Light Tactical Vehicles - Oshkosh Defense
Oshkosh’s L-ATV combines field-proven technologies with an advanced crew protection system that provides MRAP-level protection with light-duty levels of mobility. The S-ATV’s versatility can be seen in its speed, durability, and agility on even the roughest terrains. The Oshkosh JLTV is the go-anywhere, do-anything light tactical vehicle.
Lockheed Martin JLTV - Wikipedia
The Lockheed Martin JLTV (Joint Light Tactical Vehicle) is a prototype armor-capable vehicle that was one of six original competitors for a Joint Light Tactical Vehicle that will replace the Humvee. [4]
2023年11月9日 · 美国JLTV(Joint Light Tactical Vehicle)战术车辆与中国的第三代轻型猛士车辆都是目前世界上先进的装甲车辆之一,它们在陆军作战中具有重要的作用。 本文将从性能、机动性、防护性能、通信和信息系统、武器配置、生产和成本等方面对这两款装甲车辆进行详细 ...