The Pharmacists' Patient Care Process - JCPP
Recognizing the need for a consistent process in the delivery of patient care across the profession, the Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners (JCPP) released the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process. The process is applicable to any practice setting where pharmacists provide patient care and for any patient care service provided by pharmacists.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry - Wiley Online Library
Read the latest trending articles from the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry publishes a variety of article types, and these are cited in slightly different ways.
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Collect relevant medical/medication history of the patient. Assess the information and analyze the clinical effects of the patient’s therapy. Implement the care plan in collaboration with other health care professionals. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the care plan and modify as needed. Lost Password?
The Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners (JCPP) was established in 1977 and serves as a forum on matters of common interest and concern to national organizations of pharmacy practitioners and invited liaison members. JCPP Members are: the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy, the American
The Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners (JCPP) Pharmacist’s Patient Care Process (PPCP) Workgroup (WG) began the process of revising the 2014 PPCP in late June 2023.
MMS has been defined by the Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners (JCPP) as “a spectrum of patient-centered, pharmacist -provided, collaborative services that focus on medication appropriateness, effectiveness, safety, and adherence with the goal of improving
Increased primary care physician (PCP) availability to see patients. Delegation of hypertension patient care responsibilities. from physicians to pharmacists frees up physician time. Patients who participated in the program had significantly fewer visits with their PCP, thus allowing more time for those PCPs to see other patients.
JCPP publishes the highest quality clinically relevant research in psychology, psychiatry and related disciplines. With a large and expanding global readership, its coverage includes studies on epidemiology, diagnosis, psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacological treatments, behaviour, cognition, neuroscience, neurobiology and genetic aspects of ...
儿童心理学和精神病学杂志杂志-Journal Of Child Psychology And …
《儿童心理学和精神病学杂志》(JCPP)是国际公认的领先期刊,涵盖儿童和青少年心理学和精神病学。 JCPP 发表心理学、精神病学和相关学科领域最高质量的临床相关研究。 该杂志拥有庞大且不断增长的全球读者群,其内容涵盖流行病学、诊断、心理治疗和精神药理学治疗、行为、认知、神经科学、神经生物学和儿童疾病的遗传方面。 发表的文章包括实验、纵向和干预研究,特别是那些促进我们对发展精神病理学的理解并为理论和临床实践提供信息的研究。 该杂志的一个 …
Chapter e0: The Patient Care Process - McGraw Hill Medical
Identify the five steps in the patient care process described by the Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners (JCPP). Describe the key functional and operational elements of comprehensive medication management. The patient care process is a fundamental series of actions that guide the activities of health professionals.