Lipid transfer proteins: structure, classification and prospects of ...
Plant non-specific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs) are small, basic, and cysteine-rich proteins found abundantly in higher plants.
Parallel port - Wikipedia
In computing, a parallel port is a type of interface found on early computers (personal and otherwise) for connecting peripherals. The name refers to the way the data is sent; parallel ports send multiple bits of data at once (parallel communication), as opposed to serial communication, in which bits are sent one at a time.
Python篇,关于如何顺利安装ltp、pyltp - CSDN博客
2024年11月17日 · LTP提供了一系列中文自然语言处理工具,用户可以使用这些工具对于中文文本进行分词、词性标注、句法分析等等工作。 pyltp 是 LTP 的 Python 封装,提供了分词,词性标注,命名实体
拟南芥和菠菜叶脂质转移蛋白(LTPs)的纯化及抗病原活性,FEBS …
1993年10月18日 · 蛋白质 LTP-s1 和 LTP-s2 类似地从菠菜叶中获得;LTP-s1 与先前纯化的菠菜 LTP (Swiss Prot P10976) 有 91% 的相同性,而 LTP-s2 具有中等差异(71% 的相同位置)。 通过Westem-blot分析在菠菜的细胞质级分中检测到总LTP的大约1/3。
Q0IQK9 - UniProt
2006年10月3日 · Plant non-specific lipid-transfer proteins transfer phospholipids as well as galactolipids across membranes. May play a role in wax or cutin deposition in the cell walls of expanding epidermal cells and certain secretory tissues.
Rice Genome Annotation Project
The Community Annotated gene has a different frame and encodes an LTP family protein with the classic intron near the 3' end of the gene is highly similar to 5 paralogs. Structural Annotation: LOC_Os07g43290. Gene Name: LTPL56: Gene Description: Protease inhibitor/seed storage/LTP family protein precursor, expressed: MSU Annotation:
LPT Ports & Modes (SPP, EPP, ECP) - Parallel Direct Cable …
3 天之前 · As we’ll see further below, there are three different type of LPT ports, SPP, EPP and ECP, each supporting different speeds and features, but all use the same direct cable connection. A standard LPT port will provide speeds of 40Kb/s to 60Kb/s while the faster ECP ports will deliver up to 1.1 Mb/sec or 8.8 Mbps.
NtLTP4, a lipid transfer protein that enhances salt and drought ...
2018年6月11日 · Lipid transfer proteins (LTPs), a class of small, ubiquitous proteins, play critical roles in various environmental stresses. However, their precise biological functions...
linux - Which ports for IPSEC/LT2P? - Server Fault
Ipsec needs UDP port 500 + ip protocol 50 and 51 - but you can use NAt-T instead, which needs UDP port 4500. On the other hand L2TP uses udp port 1701. If you trying to pass ipsec traffic through a "regular" Wi-Fi router and there is no such option as IPSec pass-through, I recommend opening port 500 and 4500. At least that is how it works on mine.
3.1.1 LTP(Linux Test Project)学习(一)-LTP介绍 - 知乎专栏
LTP作为 linux kernel 系统调用和 libc库 测试工具,拥有大量的内核基本特性的测试用例,同时仓库由世界各地内核参与者维护开发,保证了用例的质量。 个人认为LTP仓库用例对于内核功能点测试覆盖非常充分,同时代码精练不冗余,但是作为基本功能用例,缺少针对性压力测试用例(虽然包括了 stress用例,但是从压力测试角度分析是远远不够); 2. LTP用例短小而精练,各个用例解耦,符合功能测试的特色,使用C语言和Shell语言,对于初学者非常友好,适合学习从而形成 …