"I Kept Silent, I'll Prove It To Them" — LZJ Chokes Up In ... - SAYS
2024年8月6日 · The 26-year-old staged a dramatic comeback against India's world No. 22 player, India's Lakshya Sen. Lee lost in the first set, but ultimately won 13-21, 21-16, 21-11 in the bronze medal playoff. The bronze medal is Lee's first Olympic medal.
M'sians Slam Former Radio DJ For Her Remark About Zii Jia's …
2024年8月8日 · Based on her post, Cheryl alluded that Zee Jia’s pose was meant to ask spectators to be silent. Lee Zii Jia explained what the pose was all about.
Deciphering Lee Zii Jia's Silent Gesture: Shut Up Explained - TikTok
37.8K Likes, 301 Comments. TikTok video from Mr Oyen (@ramon_oyen): “Unveil the meaning behind Lee Zii Jia's hand sign, decoded by Zainal Abidin Rawop. Explore the controversy surrounding this viral gesture. #ShutUp #YtJt #LeeZiiJia #OlympicsFrance2024 #TandaIsyaratDiam #LZJ #YTJT”.
Lee zii jia back on form and might be better? : r/badminton - Reddit
All England winning LZJ was a whole different monster. In a silent stadium during covid too. The thunderous smashes and the yells, LZJ had a hell of an aura. Before he focuses too much into only attacking. When other players on tours can defend his smashes. He struggle for a while.
李梓嘉 Lee Zii Jia - 中羽在线 - BadmintonCN.com
2016年11月,他代表马来西亚参加西班牙毕尔巴鄂举行的世界青年羽毛球锦标赛,以次号种子身份出战男单比赛,在半决赛以0比2(18-21、19-21)负于印尼选手兹科,获得季军。 2017年9月,李梓嘉出战波兰羽毛球国际赛,在男单决赛以2比0(21-17、21-16)击败队友兼赛会二号种子宋浚洋,赢得成年组赛事冠军,亦是他首个国际系列赛男单冠军。 2018年10月7日,世界羽联300赛事-中国台北公开赛,男单决赛马来西亚选手李梓嘉2-1日本的武下利一夺冠 。 2019年12月9日,在 …
紧跟热点,来评一波李梓嘉---球员技战术分析 - 赛事球星 中羽在线 …
2023年9月28日 · 李梓嘉最出名的战绩大都集中在19年到22年之间,分别是: 2019年12月,李梓嘉获得第30届东南亚运动会羽毛球男单金牌。 2021年3月,李梓嘉获2021年全英羽毛球公开赛男单冠军。 2022年5月,李梓嘉获得2022年羽毛球亚锦赛男单冠军。 2021年的全英夺冠让李梓嘉人气暴涨,并且同年李梓嘉丹公对阵世界第一男单安塞龙,也打出了高质量的对局,一时间让大家感觉李梓嘉已经拥有了同安塞龙一样的实力。 即使随后的比赛,李梓嘉发挥不济,大家球迷也自 …
LZJ vs CTC - Lowyat.NET
2024年5月18日 · Open road for LZJ to win this tournament. A lot good players no play. The no.1 seeded also kalah d…
Lee Zii Jia : r/badminton - Reddit
2022年3月20日 · Comparing the two matches of LZJ vs LS and Viktor vs LS. It shows how experience matters. Viktor was so strategic with his attacks, kept his cool during LS mini combacks and continued adding on pressure. While LZJ got so passive in the 3rd game and the second LS started to have a comback, LZJ freaked out and didn't know what to do.
李梓嘉绰号辣子鸡骆建佑被叫辣椒油 他很享受球迷拥戴换教练惹争 …
2023年5月24日 · 中国球迷起绰号的能力让李梓嘉惊叹,他的辣子鸡的绰号就是他名字的缩写LZJ的谐音,而且辣子鸡也是中华传统美食里面一道名菜。 不过有网友提醒他说,他的好兄弟、新加坡的骆建佑,绰号是辣椒油,也是骆建佑名字缩写的谐音。 当然,还有比辣子鸡更亲热的叫法,一些球迷直接叫他鸡哥。 至于他为什么叫章鱼杀,是因为他杀球的时候喜欢四肢张开,从背后看很像章鱼杀过去。 不过他本人好像更喜欢央视给他起的神龙摆尾,因为里面有个龙字,骨子里他还是 …
Lee Zii Jia cry ! Stop the cyberbully - Lowyat.NET
2024年8月5日 · if u watch the match, Kunlavut rarely give high ball for LZJ to smash, mostly net ball or mid ball return. Clearly the siam kia has game plan to counter LZJ but it doesn't work on Axelsen, because Axelsen doesn't commit mistake as much as LZJ.
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