M41 Walker Bulldog - Wikipedia
The M41 Walker Bulldog, officially 76-mm gun tank M41, was an American light tank developed for armed reconnaissance purposes. [8] [9] It was produced by Cadillac between 1951 and …
M41輕戰車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
IV戰車砲,可使用翼穩脫殼穿甲彈等彈種,動力更換為斯堪尼亞汽車DS-14柴油引擎,在21世紀向巴西陸軍採購24輛該國升級的M41C Caxias替換M24UR。 越南 : 30輛 M41 (自南越陸軍解繳 …
M41轻型坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M41华克猛犬 (英语: M41 Walker Bulldog)是 美国 发展以取代 M24霞飞战车 的一种 轻型战车,得名于在 韩战 期间因车祸身亡的美国名将 沃尔顿·华克。 此战车分类则可追溯到1950年11 …
【坦克探秘13】巴西的魔改M41——MB-3 Tamoyo - 哔哩哔哩
贝尔纳迪尼工业贸易公司的MB-3 Tamoyo堪称一项疯狂的坦克项目——在轻型坦克的底盘基础上开发主战坦克。 MB-3的本质是M41轻型坦克,基于巴西的M41C Caxias。 上个世纪80年代,巴 …
M41轻型坦克 - 百度百科
M41轻型坦克(英文:M41 light tank,绰号:Walker Bulldog,译文:沃克猛犬),是20世纪50年代初美国研制装备的一种轻型坦克。 M41坦克由M24轻型坦克改进而成,加强了火力,重新设 …
M41 Walker Bulldog (1951) - tank-afv.com
The M41C was a much thorough modernization with a computerized FCS, new night sights and radio, by the Sao Paulo based Bernardini Company. They are all retired now or have been …
Brazil transfers M41C 25 M41 light tanks to the Uruguayan army
2018年12月12日 · The Brazilian Army (Exército Brasileiro) completed the transfer of 25 M41C light tanks to its Uruguayan counterpart in Rivera, Uruguay, on 7 December. The negotiations …
The Brazilian Bernardini Upgraded M41 Light Tank
The Brazilian Bernardini Upgraded M41 Light Tank M41B: The original 500hp petrol engine has been replaced by a Brazilian-built Saab-Scania DS-14 series diesel. A new cooling and …
M41 Walker Bulldog: America’s Cold War Light Tank
2023年8月26日 · It was one of the three main tanks developed for the U.S. Army in the early stages of the Cold War, along with the M47 Patton medium tank, and the M103 heavy tank. All …
EE-T2 Os?rio - GlobalSecurity.org
2013年4月28日 · During its later years it branched out into vehicle production, with products including the M41B and M41C Light Tanks upgrades from the American M41, and the X1, …