BVP M-80 - Wikipedia
Although many foreign experts compare M-80A with Russian BMP-1, the Yugoslav IFV is a true original design. Unlike the BMP-1 which had 6 road wheels and was armed with 73 mm gun, M-80A had 5 road wheels and had 20 mm gun.
BVP M-80 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
标准型号(BVP M-80和BVP M-80A)安装了一门 HS.804 (英语:Hispano-Suiza HS.404) 20毫米机炮,有效射程约1500米,根据弹药类型,穿透能力约为20毫米RHAe(轧压均质装甲)。 [3] 1978年, 南斯拉夫人民军 技术军事委员会认为需要获得更大口径的火炮以对抗敌方装甲战车可能日益厚重的装甲,并决意开始开发新的炮塔来容纳更大口径的武器。 在这种需求的推动下,1985年 [7] 扎斯塔瓦30毫米机炮M86和新炮塔M-91(原名, 拉丁字母: Vidra, 直译: …
BVP M-80 / M-80A Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Army Technology
2011年12月6日 · BVP M80 is the initial variant equipped with the French-made HS 115-2 engine delivering 191kW power. The variant entered service in 1979. It was fitted with Yugoslavian-made weapon systems in 1982. The company rolled-out an upgraded M80A IFV model to replace the M-80 in 1984. M80A is an improved variant with more powerful engine and armament.
BVP-M80A - Army Recognition
2024年8月7日 · The BVP M80A mechanized infantry combat vehicle is a further development of the M-980 (although in early 1991 this was redesignated the M-80), and was shown in public for the first time at the Cairo d
M80A - Army Guide
This has a new two-man power-operated turret armed with twin 30 mm automatic anti-aircraft cannon and a four man crew consisting of the commander and gunner in the turret and the driver in the hull. This is also referred to as the BVP M80A (Samakhodno PA Oruzhe). The two 30 mm cannon are type M86/89.
BVP M80 is the initial variant equipped with the French-made HS 115-2 engine delivering 191kW power. The variant entered service in 1979. It was fitted with Yugoslavian-made weapon systems in 1982. The company rolled-out an upgraded M80A IFV model to replace the M-80 in 1984. M80A is an improved variant with more powerful engine and armament.
Yugoslavian BVP M80 IFV - tank-afv.com
The first production variant was M-80 which given a French 260 hp diesel engine, replaced next year on the upgraded BVP-M80A by a licence-built Mercedes engine. Total production estimated range from 600 to 800.
南斯拉夫BVP-M80A履带式机械化步兵战车 - 百度百科
BVP M80A机械化步兵战车与M980型相比,虽外形一样,但战斗全重稍重,达14吨,车体也稍高和稍宽,发动机的功率和公路最大时速均有所提高。 南斯拉夫正在研制该车的改进型,即BVP M80AK型。 主要改进是改装新型炮塔,主炮口径增大为30毫米的M86机关炮,该炮与装在BOV轮式装甲车底盘(4×4)上的30毫米双管 自行高炮 的火炮一样。 炮塔能旋转360°,火炮的俯仰范围为-10°~+65°,有稳定装置,便于行进间射击。 主炮配有穿甲弹,在1000米距离上的垂直穿 …
一枝独秀:南斯拉夫M-80型步兵战车及其发展 - 知乎
M-80/M-80A装备的是一具 Hispano-Suiza HS 804 20mm机炮(备弹400发)和一挺同轴的PKT 7.62mm机枪(备弹2000发),以及加装在炮塔外部,授权生产的2枚 9M14//Malyutka AT-3 反坦克导弹,与BMP-1相同,AT-3的重装需要从炮塔后面两个出舱口探身出来,暴露在外进行安装——在车内储存另外4枚 AT-3。 观瞄上,驾驶员有3具潜望观瞄镜以提供正面120度的视野,在夜间可在其中一具的地方加装外挂主动红外的夜视仪。 车长舱盖是可旋转的,装有一具潜望观察镜, …
The BVP M80 Infantry Fighting Vehicle - TankNutDave.com
The BVP M80 Infantry Fighting Vehicle was the former Yugoslavia’s first IFV and first prototypes were delivered to the Army for field testing in 1974. It entered service & full production in 1982, but had a short run of just a year and was replaced with the improved M-80A. The original M80 used a 260hp French engine as used in their AMX-10 APC.