僱員 - 積金局 - MPFA
僱主必須以僱主本身的資金為僱員作強制性供款,並須就每個供款期(一般指糧期)從僱員的有關入息中扣除僱員的供款。 如按日、按周或每半個月支薪一次,僱主須先以每日最高$1,000及最低$280的有關入息水平來計算糧期的上、下限,以釐定供款額。 以按周支薪為例,一星期的日數為七天,因此有關入息上限為 $7,000($1,000 x 7天),下限則為$1,960($280 x 7天)。 如供款日是星期六、公眾假日、烈風/黑色暴雨警告日或積金易平台暫停運作的日子(而暫停對僱主執 …
Cap. 485 Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance - e …
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強積金供款上限 6月1日起提升至每月$1,500 - 積金局 - MPFA
強制性公積金計劃管理局(積金局)提醒僱主、僱員和自僱人士,由2014年6月1日起,強制性公積金(強積金)的強制性供款上限將由每月$1,250提升至$1,500。 每月有關入息超過$25,000的僱員(及其僱主)和自僱人士的強制性供款將會增加,每月有關入息$25,000或以下的計劃成員則不受影響。 立法會較早前通過將強積金供款的最高有關入息水平由每月$25,000提升至$30,000。 由2014年6月1日或其後開始的供款期(一般指糧期),僱員、其僱主和自僱人士的強積金供款 …
Maximum MPF contributions to increase to $1,500 monthly …
The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) reminds employers, employees and self-employed persons that with effect from 1 June 2014, the maximum mandatory contributions for the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) will increase from $1,250 to $1,500 monthly.
【強積金供款上限2024】MPF常見問題︰月薪幾多要供強積金?強 …
2024年6月26日 · 強制性公積金計劃(Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes,簡稱「強積金」、「MPF」),是香港的一項退休保障計劃。 強積金於2000年12月1日正式實行,該計劃強制18至65歲香港僱員參與,僱主及僱員雙方須共同供款。
MPF上調供款上限 強積金供款最多或由$1500變$2750 業界料分階 …
2023年4月17日 · 強積金(mpf)供款上限2023最新消息! 據媒體報導,積金局現著手準備對強積金2022至2026年,4年期的供款入息基準做新一輪檢討工作,業界預料將會建議政府上調入息基準水平,並且分階段落實。
Deduction for Contributions to Mandatory Provident Fund …
Some of the contributions that you make to a mandatory provident fund (MPF) scheme or a recognised occupational retirement (ROR) scheme can be deducted from your assessable income. Here you learn about deductible amounts under both types of schemes, and how different types of employees and self-employed people can claim deductions in different ...
Mandatory Provident Fund - Wikipedia
The Mandatory Provident Fund (Chinese: 強制性公積金), often abbreviated as MPF (強積金), is a compulsory saving scheme (pension fund) for the retirement of residents in Hong Kong. Most employees and their employers are required to contribute monthly to mandatory provident fund schemes provided by approved private organisations ...
Cap. 485 Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance - e …
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Mandatory Provident Fund in Hong Kong: A Comprehensive Guide …
You must register your employees under a Mandatory Provident Fund (“MPF”) scheme and make monthly contributions towards it. This article helps you navigate the workings of the MPF system and the different types of MPF schemes available.