Home page - En - Exmat
Aluminium and PVC Systems is a product line offered by EXMAT, providing durable and versatile solutions for construction projects. Components and Tooling is a product line offered by EXMAT, providing specialized tools and components for the aluminum profile and …
Aluminium and PVC Systems - En - Exmat
Aluminium and PVC Systems is a product line offered by EXMAT, providing durable and versatile solutions for construction projects. Panoramic guillotine glazing is an innovative product that allows you to transform the interior of a room while maintaining maximum proximity to th...
PVC SYSTEMS - En - Exmat
We offer PVC profiles produced only with European-origin raw materials so with the highest quality. These plastic systems provide good heat, sound and wind insulation thanks to EPDM/TPE sealings. Sliding and guillotine versions are also available. 52mm, 60mm, 70 mm, 80mm and 120mm Door and Window Systems; PVC Sliding 60 mm. and 74 mm. Systems
pvc管件什么牌子好 - 百度知道
2024年11月11日 · PVC管件品牌推荐:联塑LESSO、公元管道、中财管道、顾地AODI和雄塑管。 一、明确答案. 在众多的PVC管件品牌中,联塑LESSO、公元管道、中财管道、顾地AODI和雄塑管等品牌表现突出。 它们的产品质量、口碑及市场占有率均处于行业前列。 二、品牌详细介绍. 1. 联塑LESSO:联塑是中国最大的塑料管道生产企业之一,其PVC管件产品具有优良的性能,如耐高温、抗老化、使用寿命长等。 同时,联塑的售后服务网络完善,为消费者提供了良好的购买体 …
PVC, CPVC, PVCI, MPVC? 1 - Eng-Tips
2005年11月21日 · PVC-M is modified PVC. The modifiers are typically Chlorinated PE's. The modifiers increase the ductility of the material and therefore the impact characteristics of the pipe. This pipe is used mainly in Australia, UK, NZ and South Africa. PVC-M I believe has the same chem resistance properties as PVC-U.
PVC树脂指标之一:粘数(K值或平均聚合度) - 知乎专栏
pvc树脂 是一种非结晶的线性高分子化合物,其相对分子质量愈大,粘数就越高,材料的强度、刚度、韧性、耐热及耐低温性愈好,但成型加工性能愈差。
为什么说PVC是毒塑料中的战斗机? - 知乎专栏
氯乙烯单体是生产pvc的主要原料,为3类致癌物,可导致肝癌,还能引发手指弯曲、皮肤有斑点等病理现象。. pvc使用---危害健康. 在pvc生产加工过程中,需要加入一些加工助剂,如填充剂、稳定剂、润滑剂、增塑剂、着色剂和阻燃剂等。
PVC Ductwork Fume Exhaust Systems - harrisonplastic.com
PVC ductwork fume exhaust systems fabricated from HARRISON SUPERDUCT® PVC duct pipe for round and rectangular fume and exhaust duct systems. Round and square PVC duct components available up to 60"
Photocell sliding door systems are suitable solutions for entrances and exits, with its fast opening feature, which minimizes the loss of time with automatic sensors. We offer different …
System 1738 PVC Pipe & Fittings | IPEX USA LLC
System 1738® PVC pipe and fittings are the first engineered PVC Flue Gas Venting System certified to UL 1738. Learn more.