Cryo-EM structures of type IV pili complexed with nanobodies …
2024年3月18日 · Type IV pili (T4P) are prevalent, polymeric surface structures in pathogenic bacteria, making them ideal targets for effective vaccines. However, bacteria have evolved …
Ultrahigh Resolution and Full-length Pilin Structures with Insights …
2011年12月23日 · Here we present two new Type IV pilin crystal structures: the full-length FimA pilin from D. nodosus (DnFimA) and an ultrahigh resolution F. tularensis PilE (FtPilE) structure. …
In this study, we present the single-particle cryo-EM structures of different conformations of the MS2/F-pilus complex at reso-lutions ranging from 5.6 to 7.3 Å and an average reconstruction …
Pilin - Wikipedia
Pilin refers to a class of fibrous proteins that are found in pilus structures in bacteria. These structures can be used for the exchange of genetic material, or as a cell adhesion mechanism. …
Pilins in gram-positive bacteria: A structural perspective - IUBMB
2015年7月14日 · Pilins or fimbrilins are a class of proteins found in bacterial surface pilus, a hair-like surface appendage. Both the Gram-negative and -positive bacteria produce pilins to …
Structural basis for the adsorption of a single-stranded RNA ...
Each pilin subunit has three helices termed: ɑ1, ɑ2, and ɑ3, respectively, from the N- to the C-termini (Supplementary Fig. 1a). The loop connecting ɑ2 and ɑ3 is located in the inner lumen …
The overall architecture of the MS2/F-pilus complex. a An electron ...
Each pilin subunit has three helices termed: ɑ1, ɑ2, and ɑ3, respectively, from the N-to the C-termini ( Supplementary Fig. 1a). The loop connecting ɑ2 and ɑ3 is located in the inner lumen …
Multiple conformations facilitate PilT function in the type IV pilus
2019年11月15日 · Type IV pilus-like systems are protein complexes that polymerize pilin fibres. They are critical for virulence in many bacterial pathogens. Pilin polymerization and …
"plain face"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
plain face地味な顔ですね They aren’t very pretty but they aren’t very ugly either. They’re just kind of average and boring-looking.的定义
Type IV Pilin Proteins: Versatile Molecular Modules - PMC
Type IV pilins are small (∼7 to 20 kDa) structural proteins with a conserved, hydrophobic α-helical N terminus that is both a transmembrane (TM) domain and a protein-protein interaction …