PSD2 Availability KPI | BNP Paribas
PSD2 Availability KPI. How to. How to for API consumers. Get started; Try APIs via the Portal UI; Trying APIs programatically; PSD2 APIs. Strong Customer Authentication; OAuth2 - Authorization Code (PSD2) PSD2 Availability KPI; BNPP CIB API Platform; FAQ; Q3_2019. Q4_2019. Q1_2020. Q2_2020. Q3_2020. Q4_2020.
KPI Monitoring01/01/2021 - 31/03/2021 1 Periodic KPI report for performance and availability of AIS and dedicated API interfaces exposed to end user. KPI Monitoring01/01/2021 - 31/03/2021 Cards list Card Detail Balance TransactionList Average execution (ms) Total number of execution Errors Average execution
PSD2 TPP Interfaces of Intesa Sanpaolo Group. Intesa Sanpaolo Isybank
Deutsche Bank Payment Services Directive 2 Online Channel (LaMiaBanca) All figures are shown as a montly average time (in milliseconds) resp. percentage (in %) value.
Key Performance indicators / Ključni indikatori učinkovitosti Praćenje performansi PSD2 i klijentskog on line sučelja provodi se na osnovu sljedećih ključnih indikatora: Indicattor/Indikator Description/Opis
PSD2 Data Opening - Nexi
Attraverso l’adesione alla Piattaforma internazionale CBI Globe (Global Open Banking Ecosystem), Nexi Payments fornirà alle Terze Parti (TPP) il servizio di Account Information Service (AIS) per l’accesso ai dati di pagamento delle Carte Prepagate già accessibili on line ai Payment Service Users (PSU).
什么是支付服务指令2 (PSD2)? - 知乎专栏
鉴于通过开放式 api 访问的客户信息的敏感性,psd2 规定了严格的安全数据保护规则,包括通过强客户身份验证来验证用户身份以及允许客户授权同意并指定数据使用偏好。
Commerzbank Developer Portal | KPI-Statistics Q3 2024
our KPI-Statistics (availability and performance) for the time period of 01/07/2024 – 30/09/2024 can now be downloaded: KPI-Statistics. Best Regards, Your Commerzbank Support Team
PSD2 Gateway - UnipolPay
PSD2 Gateway. In linea con gli obiettivi della PSD2, aderendo alla piattaforma CBI Globe, implementata da CBI S.c.p.a., UnipolPay permette ai TPP di scambiare informazioni e pagamenti online con i suoi conti.
In ottemperanza alle richieste normative, il presente documento ha l’obiettivo di rappresentare i dati relativi ai KPI (Key Performance Indicator) opportunamente definiti e misurati sul nuovo canale API dedicato ai TPP e sui principali canali della Banca.
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