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Clutter Rejection
Pulse Doppler filtering on groups of 8 or greater pulses with a fine grained clutter map. Aircraft are detected in ground clutter and / or rain with the Doppler filter bank & use of 2 PRFs. Courtesy …
Coherent Processing Interval - an overview - ScienceDirect
By making the radar coherent, the phase history of the target can be preserved during the coherent processing interval (CPI), so that Doppler information can be derived, which provides …
Moving Target Indicator (MTI) and Pulse-Doppler (PD) processing use the Doppler shift of the different signals to enhance detection of moving targets and reject clutter. Unambiguous range …
通感一体化(四)-联合车辆通信和雷达系统的OFDM导频雷达 - 知乎
为简单起见,我们假设目标的雷达散射截面( radar cross sections, RCS)包含在相干处理间隔(coherent processing interval, CPI)期间不波动的单点散射体。 鉴于CPI不是很长, 可以安 …
Coherence in Radar - Radartutorial
In a pulse radar system, coherence describes the phase relationships between the transmitted and the received pulses. Oscillations and electromagnetic waves are described as coherent if …
B1 雷达信号处理基础之基本介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
一组以某种方式相干组合的脉冲,对于例如通过多普勒处理或 合成孔径雷达 (SAR)成像,形成了一个相干处理间隔(CPI)。 更高的水平雷达处理作用于来自多个 CPI 的数据,因此在甚至 …
Introduction to Pulse Integration and Fluctuation Loss in Radar
The radar detectability factor is the minimum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) required to declare a detection with the specified probabilities of detection, P d, and false alarm, P f a. The Modeling …
2022年11月14日 · 恒虚警率CFAR是Constant False-Alarm Rate的缩写。 在雷达信号检测中,当外界干扰强度变化时,雷达能自动调整其灵敏度,使雷达的 虚警概率 保持不变,这种特性称为 …
fft - Doppler Frequency Resolution for Radar - Signal Processing …
The key to understanding velocity resolution for pulsed radar is that coherent processing interval (CPI - the total amount of time spanned by slow time samples) acts as a rectangular …
Radar Beamforming and Digital Processing - EE Times
2011年6月10日 · Coherent processing interval (CPI) The number of N columns is the number of transmit pulses in the coherent processing interval (CPI). Recall that all of the radar data is …