NSF/VMware Partnership on Software Defined Infrastructure as a ...
This NSF/VMware partnership combines CISE’s experience in developing and managing successful large, diverse research portfolios with VMware’s significant expertise in SDI, virtualization technology, distributed systems, cloud computing, and other aspects of large-scale software infrastructure and infrastructure management.
NSF Award Search: Award # 1700527 - SDI-CSCS: Collaborative …
2022年5月19日 · This project proposes S2OS (SDI-defined Security Operating System), which abstracts security capabilities and primitives at both the host Operating System (OS) and network levels and offers an easy-to-use and programmable security model for monitoring and dynamically securing applications.
Program Solicitation NSF 16-582 - NSF - National Science …
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SDI-enabled least-privilege execution, such as by controlling access to virtual resource pools to serve the needs of a particular application and/or user (role); SDI as a foundation for improved visibility into the normal and abnormal behavior of highly distributed applications, and the
planetary-scale, sliced, multi-domain SDI systems that incorporate an enormous variety of devices and services? How do we represent and reason about SDI resources? How can we understand, reason about, orchestrate, and ensure privacy and security in such systems? How do we approach fundamental issues of federation and local/global policy ...
Workshop on Software-defined Infrastructure and Software-defined Exchanges
This workshop is part of the NSF “Looking Beyond the Internet” series of workshops.
Report of the NSF Workshop on Software Defined Infrastructures …
We are at the dawn of a new era: Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI). Today’s relatively static cyber-infrastructures, implemented via hardware with predetermined control systems, are now beginning to morph into fluid, planetary-scale software systems – highly interconnected, deeply programmable, and virtualized within end-to-end slices ...
2021年10月2日 · SDI接口是数字分量串行接口(serial digital interface)的首字母缩写。1简介编辑SDI接口是一种“数字分量串行接口”,而HD-SDI接口是一种广播级的高清数字输入和输出端口,其中HD表示高清信号。
NSF Award Search: Award # 2128107 - SDI-CSCS: Collaborative …
This project will build the "holy grail" for enterprise/cloud/data-center security management with software-defined infrastructure (SDI): a unified framework for security and management of …
十四、基于FPGA的SDI协议介绍(一) - CSDN博客
2022年10月8日 · SDI(serial digital interface)数字分量串行接口,有三种不同的标准分别为标准清晰度SD-SDI、高清标准HD-SDI和3G-SDI,对应速率分别是270Mb/s、1.485Gb/s和2.97Gb/s。针对各个视频流像素, XYZ关键字在SAV和EAV以及不同行数的固定格式如下图所示,经过实际操作发现,消隐期的 ...