SS90: World's most expensive scooter? - Modern Vespa
2006年4月11日 · The ultra-rare Vespa SS90 Super Sprint was maufactured between 1965 - 1971. It featured a narrower front end compared to other Vespas and a glove box and spare wheel mounted in the step-through area of the frame. During its run, only 5,309 were ever made. Because of its rarity, the SS90 is well acknowledged as the world's most expensive scooter.
Vespa SS90 - Silodrome
2017年3月25日 · The SS90 was developed as a sporting variant of the scooter, with a dummy fuel tank, a centrally located spare wheel, a narrower more aerodynamic fairing up front, and a pad on top of the dummy tank so riders could crouch low behind the headlight to …
PAVE-Mate® I Hermetic Dual-sided Feedthrough Connectors
PAVE-Mate® I dual-sided hermetic sealed multi-pin circular electrical feedthrough connectors are dual-sided electrical male and female contact receptacles or plug connectors on each side of the bulkhead for low or high pressures or low or high vacuums.
SS 90 - Wikipedia
The SS 90 is a British sports car that was built by SS Cars in Coventry, England in 1935. In 1945, the company changed its name to Jaguar. The car has a six-cylinder side-valve Standard engine of 2,663 cc with an output of 50 kW.
Vespa Super Sprint 90 Cuma Ada 5.000 Unit, Khusus Buat Balap
2020年10月6日 · Melihat sejarahnya, Vespa SS90 diproduksi mulai 1965 hingga 1971 dalam jumlah terbatas yang kabarnya hanya 5.000 unit. Selain desainnya yang manis, Vespa SS90 juga terbilang unik berkat penempatan ban serep di tengah deck dan toolbox yang menyerupai tangki di atas ban serepnya.
Quick Ship Hermetic Feedthrough Seals - Pave Technology Co
For Low and High Pressure and Vacuum hermetically sealing fluids or gases. Most of our circular high-pressure hermetic seals can be leak tested and certified upon request for significantly higher pressures than a typical 80 psi (5 bar) air bubble test or …
SS90™ HD - Valtir
The SS90 ™ HD is a heavy duty, truck mounted attenuator (TMA) for use on stationary or moving shadow support vehicles. It is tested to NCHRP Report 350 Test Level 3. Additionally, it is further tested to the UK TD 49 (110 km/h) standard.
轻武器科普之P90——世界上第一支PDW - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
SS90弹采用小口径细长弹头和瓶颈形弹壳,口径为5.7×28mm(实测为5.56mm),射击时后坐力低、弹头初速850m/s,射程和穿透力都比手枪弹大。 用P90发射SS90弹,30m距离上可以穿透北约标准的厚低碳钢板,150m距离上可以穿透48层凯夫拉,175m距离可以穿透美军标准头盔的 ...
子弹科普:5.7X28MM - 哔哩哔哩
2023年2月22日 · 1990年FN推出了5.7×28mm及P90个人防卫武器,当时叫作SS90,重1.5g,战斗部以塑料制造,以P90发射时枪口速度850m/s,而此战斗部在美国取得专利。 但SS90在1993被SS190取代,分别在于战斗部长度减短了,以容许放进FN Five-seven手枪内,由于战斗部体积减小,物料改为金属,使得战斗部重量不减反增,有2.3g,而在P90枪口速度则降至715m/s。 改用SS190的同时,FN也推出可以使用SS190的新弹匣给P90。 之后SS190系的其他弹种也相继 …
FNP90式5.7mm枪弹 - 百度百科
该弹又称5.7×28mm枪弹,普通弹正式型号为SS90式。 FNP905.7mm Cartridge. 研制单位: 比利时 国营赫斯塔尔公司(FN公司) FN Herstal SA, BE. 现状:研制中. 用途:军用. 比利时赫斯塔尔公司研制该弹的目的,一是为了满足未来轻型部队或空降部队以及后方人员配备自卫武器的需要,二是帕拉贝鲁姆9mm北约制式手枪弹有严重的缺点:穿甲能力差,在10m距离上不能穿透美国凯夫拉头盔,后坐能量大,影响射击精度。 因此,赫斯塔尔公司力图研制新弹代替帕拉贝鲁姆9mm枪弹 …