TheXTech - WohlSoft Team
TheXTech is a free and open-source game engine for Mario-like platforming games. There is a complete and extended source code port of the Super Mario Bros. X 1.3 game engine (later just "SMBX"), and its direct unofficial continuation after development halted in the 2011th year.
Super Mario Bros. X
Super Mario Bros. X (SMBX) is a Mario fangame where you can create and play your own levels. SMBX was first released in 2009 by Redigit, and has subsequently received several updates over the last decade by a variety of teams and programmers.
TheXTech | Universal-DB
The full port of the SMBX engine from VB6 into C++ and SDL2, FreeImage and MixerX
GitHub - TheXTech/TheXTech: The full port of the SMBX engine …
The opening of SMBX's source-code and introducing TheXTech has solved the first goal: SMBX has been saved and now it's free/opensource cross-platform software. Moondust Engine will be used for the second goal - giving a toolkit for new games.
SMBX Preservation Archive
The SMBX Preservation Archive is a collaborative effort by some members of the SMBX community and independent enthusiasts to collect and preserve a large number of the content made for various branches of the Super Mario Bros. X fan game after receiving news about the MediaFire's policy updating regarding inactive accounts that will lead the ...
【SMBX吧】简易导航 - 百度贴吧
SMBX 是什么? 全称超级马里奥兄弟 X,是一款由 Andrew Spinks (Redigit) 开发的同人马里奥游戏。它不仅能玩,还能制作关卡。 SMBX 最新版是多少? Redigit 做的 1.3 就是最新版,因为后来他被老任请喝茶了,于是停更。
资源 - SMBX World
【醒目】smbx各个版本的本体下载 【NPC包】Just a Regular Normally-Produced-Content NPC Pack 俄狐对 TheXTech 的官方支持【Danger, here is English!】
TheXTech 3DS - GameBrew
TheXTech is a port of an old VB6 engine, purely written in C++. It completely reproduces the old SMBX 1.3 engine (aside from it's Editor), includes many of its logical bugs (critical bugs that lead the game to crash or freeze got fixed). SMBX (Super Mario Bros. X) is a platformer game originally published in 2009.
SMBX World
SMBX QQ 交流群 ⭐ SMBX World 中文社区管理规定 【X2作品预告+DEMO】Super Mario Doppelganger. 《超级马里奥·双生》 自制浅濑玩家贴图(替换公主)分享 喝了工作室十周年快乐!!! 在今天构建一款全新的SMBX可能吗
新的 SMBX 中文社区,以及……中文百科! - 百度贴吧
为了能让各位 SMBX 爱好者能找到一个新的“家园”,也为了能让这个小众的马里奥同人游戏圈再次复兴起来,在@newlife2017 的大力鼎助下,SMBX World 中文社区成功建立!