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TGF Pictures is a creative content creation Company formed for the purpose of developing historically and culturally consequential Films and TV Series for distribution on all content delivery networks (CDN’s). We specialize in securing novel IP and creating and co-producing feature films and TV content for all content delivery networks.
TG Graphics and Fiction Archive
2016年3月28日 · An archive of transgender graphics and fiction, with TG images taken from comics, books, magazines, role playing games and other media
photos Archives - Transgender Forum
2020年3月30日 · These photos were actually scanned from color prints and assembled for TGF user’s entertainment. Today our Retro Rerun is the 1999 pictorial of Diane Kramer. We’re sure she would want you to enjoy her poses today, as much as TGF users did back in 1999.
The TGF Friends Pictorial from 1999 - Transgender Forum
2021年6月28日 · Back in the early days of TGForum Cindy Martin would put together pictorials of photos TG users sent in. (Side note: We’re working on a way to bring back the pictorials with 21st century tech.) This pictorial is from 1999 and it’s titled Friends. See if you can spot the current TGForum editor and a contributor among the friends pictured.
TGF-β信号通路,万字长文帮你梳理通路方方面面! - 知乎
TGF-β细胞信号转导通路在不同的层面受到精细的调控,包括配体、受体、Smad以及核内转录水平的调控;其调控机制多种多样,比如蛋白-蛋白相互作用、蛋白翻译后修饰、蛋白降解、蛋白运输与细胞内定位,以及Smad-DNA结合等。 TGF-β细胞信号转导通路
Classic Female Impersonation Gallery - Transgender Forum
2021年8月2日 · In the dusty halls of the TGForum Archives there are to be found many pictures of the female impersonators of days gone by. In the 1990s TGF editor Cindy Martin put together photos to create pictorials of those long ago stars. Here are just a few.
Cell综述:TGF-β信号在健康和疾病中的作用 - 知乎
2023年10月9日 · TGF-β信号参与了多种细胞的增殖、表型转换、迁移、代谢和免疫监测,控制着动物的胚胎发育、组织稳态和损伤修复。 在上皮细胞、组织 成纤维细胞 和免疫细胞中,TGF-β信号传导的缺陷会破坏 免疫耐受,促进炎症,是 纤维化 和 癌症 发病机制的基础。 近日, 美国加利福尼亚大学的 Dean Sheppard 教授 在国际顶尖学术杂志 《Cell》 上发表了题为“TGF-β signaling in health and disease”的报道。 该综述回顾了TGF-β如何协调健康和疾病中的多细胞反应程 …
Had my Zbrojovka Brno (Model 1) TGF out and thought I’d...
2020年2月16日 · I took my new to me Brno ZKM 451 Model 1 TGF out this afternoon and thought I might share some photos. You know, in case anyone was interested... While this particular "variant" of the Brno ZKM 451 has a lot of mystery, questions, and rumors associated with it, these details are covered in great threads elsewhere here on RFC.
naya ♕ (@nay_a.tgf) • Instagram photos and videos
15 Followers, 87 Following, 1 Posts - naya ♕ (@nay_a.tgf) on Instagram: "16☆☆☆"
Free User Made TG Captions, Transgender Captions, and More
OpenTGC.com offers 100% free user generated TG/TF Captions, Transgender Captions, Gender Transformation stories, and more. Join our TG/TF Community today!