API Timp V1
The TIMP API is a REST JSON API that follows the CRUD standard. Connection and authentication information Base URL: https://api.timp.pro/api Authentication Method: HTTP …
CRAN: Package TIMP
A problem solving environment (PSE) for fitting separable nonlinear models to measurements arising in physics and chemistry experiments, as described by Mullen & van Stokkum (2007) < …
Home - TIMP
Software de gestión, app de reservas, agenda digital y clases online. Todo en uno: el poder de gestionar tu tiempo. Sea cual sea el tamaño de tu empresa, tu sector o situación. Optimiza tu …
GitHub - glotaran/TIMP: TIMP is an R package for fitting …
TIMP is an R package developed by Mullen and van Stokkum for fitting models to data arising from time-resolved spectroscopy, Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) and mass …
TIMP installation instructions
CRAN Installing TIMP, stable version from CRAN Installing TIMP, bleeding edge version here R-Forge
ELISA系列 | 金属蛋白酶组织抑制剂TIMPs家族 - 知乎
TIMPs是一种内源性蛋白酶抑制剂,与基质金属蛋白酶(MMPs)以1:1结合形成复合物,调控MMPs的活化或功能。 人类中有4个TIMPs。 TIMP-1于1981年纯化,TIMP-2于1990年被克 …
Releases: glotaran/TIMP - GitHub
2022年12月13日 · TIMP is an R package for fitting superposition models that implements the partitioned variable projection algorithm. The package has been extensively applied to …
TIMP download
This is the most recent version of TIMP. See installation documentation for installation instructions of the stable version from CRAN.
TIMP: An R package for modeling multi-way spectroscopy data
TIMP is a problem solving environment for fitting superposition models in the form of an R package. The package has been extensively applied to modeling spectroscopy and …
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