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How to save a figure produced by tikz save/export as JPG/PNG file
2020年12月30日 · If you use Texmaker, it offers an option in the document preview window when right-clicking to "Convert page to png image". TeXstudio doesn't have this option AFAIK. You can still use ImageMagick's PDF to PNG convert (or any other image editor like GIMP):
Exporting LaTeX TikZ as Image Files - Baeldung
2024年3月18日 · With the previous steps ready, we can convert the PDF with our image to an image file. Among the supported formats by ImageMagick are PNG (.png), JPG (.jpg), and SVG (.svg). In our examples, let’s call the chosen format of EXT (.ext). The most straightforward conversion is executed through the following command:
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tkz-fct produces no plots, why? - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
Then you need to use pgf 2.1 with tkz-base, fct etc. and the option "--shell-escape" is necessary to allow the execution of Gnuplot. There are several answers about this problem. – Alain Matthes
tkz-linknodes公式标示线宏包手册中文翻译 - LaTeX 工作室
2021年1月5日 · 计划将 tkz-linknodes公式标示线宏包使用手册 翻译成中文,以方便后期查阅和使用。 为保持与原说明手册格式一致,仅在原 tkz-doc.cls 文档类中添加了 ctex 宏包的调用,并更名为 tkz-doc-zh.cls。 仅在TeXLive2020+Ubuntu 20.04下用 latexmk + xelatex 进行了编译,不保证其它发行版和操作平台的正确编译。 文档源代码: Github仓库. 让科研输出成为艺术品,精致科研生活从 LaTeX 开始,LaTeX 工作室提供 LaTeX 专业服务,十年经验沉淀,只为让您的作品 …
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