Ultor Armored Personnel Carrier | Red Faction Wiki | Fandom
The Ultor Armored Personnel Carrier (also known as Ultor APC in short) is a slow but powerful vehicle used by the Ultor Corporation. During the First Martian Revolution against the Red Faction and, presumably, the Earth Defense Force. It came …
APC - Red Faction Wiki
The APC (Armoured Personnel Carrier) is a vehicle in the original Red Faction. The APC is a very fast and devastatingly powerful addition to Red Faction 's vehicle lineup and it's a shame it only made such a brief appearance in the actual game.
Bear | Saints Row Wiki | Fandom
The Bear is an Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) used by law enforcement and is sometimes erroneously referred to as a tank. It is used by SWAT, Ultor and SNG...
Live Mines - Red Faction Wiki
Live Mines is the first level/chapter in the Red Faction single player campaign. Live Mines consists of 3 individual maps and begins just after Parker 's final shift in the Ultor mines. It is followed by L2: Barracks.
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The APC, a red faction fanfic | FanFiction
Driver Daniel Buchner was the first to admit that his Ultor APC was not the fastest vehicle he had ever driven. Nor was it the best-designed vehicle he had ever driven. But it WAS his vehicle …
The APC - Yellow14 - Red Faction (Video Games) [Archive of Our …
2022年6月4日 · Work Text: Driver Daniel Buchner was the first to admit that his Ultor APC was not the fastest vehicle he had ever driven. Nor was it the best-designed vehicle he had ever …
Red Faction (N-Gage) - Red Faction Wiki
Vehicles like the Aesir Fighter, Driller and the Ultor APC are not present in the N-Gage version. The Sniper Rifle uses the same green scope as the Rail Driver, while the railgun itself cannot shoot through walls, but it can kill an enemy in one shot as it behaves the same way as the sniper.
Бронетранспортёр Ultor — ВикиВоины
Ultor APC — вымышленный бронетранспортёр из игры "Red Faction". Медленное, но мощное транспортное средство, используемое корпорацией Ultor во время Первой Марсианской революции против Красной Фракции и, предположительно, Сил Защиты Земли. Он вооружался 20-миллиметровой цепной пушкой ULT-6AG и установленным впереди 80-мм миномётом.
Бронетранспортёр Ultor | Воины и военная техника вики
Ultor APC — вымышленный бронетранспортёр из игры "Red Faction". Медленное, но мощное транспортное средство, используемое корпорацией Ultor во время Первой Марсианской революции против Красной Фракции и, предположительно, Сил Защиты Земли. Он вооружался 20-миллиметровой цепной пушкой ULT-6AG и установленным впереди 80-мм миномётом.