Vickrey–Clarke–Groves mechanism - Wikipedia
In mechanism design, the Vickrey–Clarke–Groves (VCG) mechanism is a generic truthful mechanism for achieving a socially optimal solution whenever monetary transfers are …
维克里-克拉克-格罗夫斯机制是什么? - 知乎
Clarke Tax 是格罗夫斯机制的一种特例。 直观上来讲,这个机制是这样设计的:每个人(agent)揭示他对每种结果的估值,也就是说每种结果能给他带来多少的回报。
有没有比较好懂得例子解释维克里-克拉克-格罗夫斯机制? - 知乎
vcg理论性质是很好,但在现实中基本没有应用。 Ausubel和Milgrom(2006)和Rothkopf(2007)解释了这一点。 大致说来包括以下几点:拍卖中卖家收益不高;有通讯等 …
bank may overstate its need for a federal bailout, hoping to get taxpayers to absorb its losses. buyer might understate its value, hoping to get a lower price. VCG mechanisms achieve …
维克里-克拉克-格罗夫斯机制 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
维克里-克拉克-格罗夫斯机制 (英語: Vickrey–Clarke–Groves mechanism)简称 VCG机制,是 机制设计 中实现社会最优解的通用真实机制,该机制是 维克里-克拉克-格罗夫斯拍卖 的泛化 …
VCG mechanism specifies that the PS4 should be purchased: x⇤ (v) = 1, but x⇤ (v i) = 0 for all i.
VCG discussion x(^v) = argmax x X i ^v i(x) p i(^v) = X j6=i v^ j(x(^v i)) X j6=i ^v j(x(^v)) You get paid everyone’s utility under the allocation that is actually chosen except your own, but you get …
The VCG Mechanism (aka Pivot Mechanism) •Definition 10.4.4 (Clarke tax) The Clarke tax sets the ℎ % term in a Groves mechanism as ℎ %)4?% =∑ )4 A(1()4?%)) AB%,where!is the Groves …
We introduce the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves Mechanism mechanism, a direct auction for multiple goods, and argue that it is DSIC. In single-parameter environments, there is sometimes a …
VCG – Vision Consulting Group
Ranked as top 10 Worldwide Association of independent CPA and Chartered Accounting firms that provides clients with professional accounting, auditing, tax and a variety of consulting …