Vex Quadruped Robotic Dog Fully Functional - YouTube
2021年4月26日 · This one of my projects from the Project Lead the Way curriculum where I had to build an AGV. I decided to challenge myself and build the Vex version of Spot...
WCP DS - Shifter Dog Kit - VEX Robotics
WCP DS - Shifter Dog Kit - Dog kit to be used with the WCP DS shifting gearbox (including the PTO add-on).
Quadruped robot dog made using VEX Robotics Kit - GitHub
Quadruped robot dog made using VEX Robotics Kit. Contribute to Yiru-Liu/VexDog development by creating an account on GitHub.
20 DP, Ball Shifter & Dog Gears (9 choices) - VEX Robotics
All VEXpro gears are 20 DP with 14.5 degree pressure angle, and have the same overall width -- this means it is easy to interchange VEXpro gears in your design to change a ratio without modifying the overall system; true versatility. Ball Shifter gears include cutouts for the VEXpro Ball Shifter Dog gears include cutouts for the WCP DS gearbox
VEX IQ Dog with Building Instructions - YouTube
2014年3月13日 · VEX IQ Dog with Building Instructionskiran JaryalDescription
VEX DOGS - Facebook
VEX DOGS is a homeschool group of 3rd - 12th graders focused on VEX Robotics.
Vex IQ Dog - General Discussion - VEX Forum
2024年12月13日 · Sonar sensor on the face to be the eyes, that will give you object sensing. Motor to wag the tail. LED sensor, you can program it to go from Green → Red, then the puppy needs some more pets to move again. Looks like it was fun!!
All-Terrain Tank Bot (Carries dogs) - VEX Forum
2010年8月6日 · I’m working on this tankbot: Powerful Vex Robot Carries Dog - YouTube It consists of 4 motors, geared down, connected to two large sets of tank treads. Together, the treads stretch longer than me. They are made up of two tread kits. The treads have 8 rollers, and 6 of those gear thingies (forgot what they’re called LOL).
Dog on Leash - onekitprojects.com
This little dog walks (slowly) on four legs, and you can control it in various different ways, including from a push button at the end of its "leash". The legs need to be positioned properly before the dog will walk, so be sure to follow the setup instructions at the end of the building instructions before each run.
VEXcode GO
VEXcode GO is a coding platform designed for students to learn programming concepts through interactive activities and projects.