Brand Guide :: VSHN Handbook
Our logo looks like an eye because VSHN is pronounced like "vision". The black parts on both sides are a reference to the angle brackets of HTML code, and the circle in the middle …
Home – VSHN AG
VSHN - The DevOps Company transformiert Software in Online-Dienste, indem wir Applikations-Workloads automatisieren und managen. Wir übernehmen den Betrieb, damit du die Zukunft …
VSHN Logo & Brand Assets (SVG, PNG and vector) - Brandfetch
Find the VSHN style guide with brand assets such as logos, colors, fonts, and more.
Home – VSHN AG
VSHN - The DevOps Company transforms software into online services by automating and managing application workloads. Let us handle the Ops so you can build the future. DevOps is …
VSHN AG - GitHub
VSHN automates the operation of applications in the cloud or on-premises, so that you as a software developer can have peace of mind and build your awesome application. VSHN is the …
About – VSHN AG
VSHN transforms software into online services by automating and managing application workloads. We empower developers and businesses with DevOps, Containers, and Cloud …
VSHN - The DevOps Company @vshn @vshn.ch vshn.ch - mastodon.vshn…
2024年2月29日 · VSHN is Switzerland’s leading partner for DevOps, Container & Kubernetes. We focus on operating IT platforms through automation, agility, and a continuous improvement …
landscape/hosted_logos/vshn.svg at master · cncf/landscape
🌄 The Cloud Native Interactive Landscape filters and sorts hundreds of projects and products, and shows details including GitHub stars, funding, first and last commits, contributor counts and …
VSHN’s Identity :: VSHN Handbook
VSHN is recognized as a technology leader and pioneer, always open to exploring new methods and challenging the status quo to seek improvements and adopt better practices. Our drive to …
VSHN Careers | Levels.fyi
VSHN automates cloud application operations for developers, providing peace of mind and agility. They specialize in DevOps consulting, engineering, and operations services for scalable web …