Gu (poison) - Wikipedia
Gu (simplified Chinese: 蛊; traditional Chinese: 蠱) or jincan (simplified Chinese: 金蚕; traditional Chinese: 金蠶) was a venom -based poison associated with cultures of south China, particularly Nanyue.
Jean Berko Gleason - Wikipedia
Gleason created the Wug Test, in which a child is shown pictures with nonsense names and then prompted to complete statements about them, and used it to demonstrate that even young children possess implicit knowledge of linguistic morphology.
这是一个wug,那这些是……|语言学午餐 - 手机鳳凰網
2018年7月12日 · 这个可爱的形似小鸟的“wug”因为一个实验而深入人心,在语言学界名声大噪,很多人把它印在衬衫上、马克杯上,甚至有人把它纹在身上。 小编的系主任办公室门上就贴着下面这个图片。
What Is the Wug Test? - ScholarshipInstitute.org
2023年2月14日 · The wug test is one of several tests that teachers can use to test a student’s mastery of phonetic skills. All of these types of examinations are part of a field called morphology. Students of this field study and analyze the different morphemes, or basic phonetic units, of various words and parts of speech to find commonalities and anomalies.
What is a Wug? - The Language Nerds
A wug is an imaginary cartoon creature created and first used by psycholinguist Jean Berko Gleason to test people’s ability to use the English plural morpheme*. The test usually involves two cartoon panels—one depicting one wug with the caption “This is a wug,” and the other depicting two wugs with the caption “Now there is another one.
wug test的利弊 - 百度知道
2022年3月30日 · wug测试是教师可以用来测试学生掌握语音技能的几种测试之一。 所有这些类型的测试都是形态学领域的一部分。 这个领域的学生研究和分析不同的语素或基本语音单元,伯克·格里森教授在《儿童英语形态学学习》一书中详细解释了wug测试的每一张抽认卡,该书 ...
儿童都是天生的语言创造家 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Wug测试表明幼儿从他们周围的语言中提取了规则,而不是简单地记住他们听过的单词。 这个测试在其他语言的孩子,双语儿童,以及各种障碍或来自不同文化背景的儿童(和成人)中得到了相同的结果。
中文有类似 Wug test 的实验吗?有的话是怎么做的呢? - 知乎
2016年12月5日 · 因为名气太大,试验都以它的名字命名,叫做Wug测试(Wug Test)。 用Wug检验语言能力的方法很简单,就是看图完成一道填空题。 图上只有一只Wug,下方文字是:This is a WUG(这是一只Wug)。 接下来的图则有两只Wug,文字是:Now there is another one. There are two of them. There are two___....
(PDF) The Wug Test and Major Developments Since then
2011年1月1日 · The Wug test was applied to the subject to determine the level of acquisition of the plural morphemes, third person singular morphemes, and past tense morphemes of regular verbs.