2020年9月8日 · 织构研究主要有以下几种方法: 现 在的织构分析方法,以xrd和ebsd为主,两者各有优劣,很多时候两者往往结合使用: xrd法制样简单、测量结果较为宏观; ebsd法制样复杂、测量结果较为微观,但ebsd可以给出直观给出晶体取向的分布。 3 xrd织构分析的原理
X射线衍射测定残余应力之侧倾法与摆动法 - 知乎
2024年12月18日 · 侧倾法 (χ法)是应力方向平面 ( \psi 平面)与扫描平面(2 θ 平面)相互垂直的应力测定方法。 在测定过程中,2 θ 平面绕χ轴相对转动(如图1和图2所示),它与试样表面法线之间形成的倾角即 \psi 角。 侧倾法 (χ法)的特点是衍射峰的吸收因子作用很小,有利于提高测定精度;2 θ 范围与 \psi 范围可以根据需要充分展开; 对于某些材料需要时可以使用峰位较低的衍射线(例如峰位在145°之下)测定应力;对于某些形状的工件或特殊的测试部位具有更好的适应 …
X-Ray Diffraction in Porous Silicon - SpringerLink
2014年1月1日 · X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a useful, complementary tool in the structural characterization of porous silicon (pSi), providing information not readily available from direct visualization techniques such as electron microscopies. This review outlines key considerations...
Determination of Residual Stresses by X-ray Diffraction
2002年1月1日 · There is currently no published standard for the measurement of residual stress by XRD. This guide has been developed therefore as a source of information and advice on the technique. It is based...
ray diffraction (XRD), or ultrasonics, have been developed during the last century to measure them. X-ray diffraction technique has been widely used in industries and laboratories for residual stresses measurement. The XRD technique is based on the measurement of the crystallographic lattice deformation.
A modified X-ray diffraction method to measure residual normal …
2022年1月7日 · X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a powerful analytical tool in characterising polycrystalline materials owing to its accurate measurement of lattice d-spacings. An important application has been the quantitative determination of surface residual stresses, in which d ~ sin2ψ linear regression is the mostly used method [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].
PANalytical Stress is dedicated to the analysis of XRD residual stress measurements according to the classical single-{hkl} sin2Ψ method. Both measurement types, known as the chi-stress (formerly known as psi-stress) and omega-stress variant are covered.
To measure residual stress as a function of depth using X-rays, you may need to carefully remove some of the surface. The stress relief that occurs will have to be accounted for. However, if you try to polish the surface, you will change the stresses that you wish to measure !!!
When applying the Sin²ψ technique to x-ray diffraction (XRD) based residual stress measurements, both the normal and shear stress components can be easily and accurately evaluated in the direction(s) of interest. The Sin²ψ technique was developed and refined over
X射线衍射方法测量残余应力原理与方法(黄继武老师亲授)_x射 …
2023年5月4日 · X射线衍射测量残余内应力的基本原理是以测量衍射线位移作为原始数据,所测得的结果实际上是残余应变,而残余应力是通过胡克定律由残余应变计算得到的。 其基本原理是:当试样中存在残余应力时,晶面间距将发生变化,发生布拉格衍射时,产生的衍射峰也将随之移动,而且移动距离的大小与应力大小相关。 用波长λ的X射线,先后数次以不同的入射角照射到试样上,测出相应的衍射角2θ,求出2θ对sin2ψ的斜率M,便可算出应力σψ。 X射线衍射方法主要是 …