M8 armored gun system - Wikipedia
The M8 armored gun system (AGS), sometimes known as the Buford, is an American light tank that was intended to replace the M551 Sheridan and TOW missile -armed Humvees in the 82nd Airborne Division and 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment (2nd ACR) of the U.S. Army respectively.
M8裝甲火砲系統 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M8装甲火炮系统 (英語: M8 Armored Gun System,缩写 M8 AGS)是一款由美国 联合防务公司 (英语:United Defense) 开发的 轻型坦克,原本用于取代美军 第82空降师 的 M551谢里登轻型坦克,还有望取代第二装甲骑兵团安装 拖式导弹 的 悍马 汽车。 M8项目最终被取消,它原本在第二装甲骑兵团的作用被 史崔克裝甲車 取代。 1980年代,美国军队开始寻求一种可以替代M551轻型坦克的装备。 多年来寻求的替换被证明不成功,最终,“装甲火炮系统(AGS)”项 …
Textron Systems Awarded $354 Million US Army Contract to …
2022年7月24日 · Textron Systems will deliver XM204 top attack trainers and XM98 wide area target munitions to the service branch. The U.S. Army Contracting Command received one bid for the firm-fixed-price contract through an online solicitation.
PM Smoke, Grenade Launchers: XM98/XM99 - Federation of …
The XM99 Blunt Trauma Grenade uses a pyrotechnic charge to discharge 32 cal rubber balls and achieve crowd control through audio, visual, and physical stimuli. The XM98 and XM99 use a common design. In the XM98 grenade, an inert ballast is substituted for the rubber balls. The XM98/XM99 program is a joint Army/Marine development program.
PM Smoke, Grenade Launchers: XM98/XM99 - GlobalSecurity.org
These rounds are designed to be fired from 80 to 100 meters. They deliver a flash bang diversionary warning (M98), a payload of rubber nonpenetrating projectiles (M99) (affecting a 10- to 20-meter...
Textron Awarded $354M to Supply Army Anti-Tank Munitions
2022年7月22日 · A Textron (NYSE: TXT) business segment will manufacture anti-tank munition systems and spare parts for the U.S. Army under a five-year, $354 million contract. Textron Systems will deliver XM204...
LP M8 AGS (Light Tank) - Army Guide
Light tank Designed for C-130 low-velocity air drop and roll-on/roll-off, the M8 Armored Gun System (AGS) can be flown with rapid deployment forces to troubled "hot spots" around the globe. The automatically loaded, lightweight 105mm cannon fires all NATO standard and enhanced ammunition at the rate of 12 rounds per minute.
XM8 | War Thunder Wiki
Light tank. Vehicle families. M8 AGS (CCVL) Operator country. USA. Manufacturers. FMC. Vehicles by updates. Update 2.5 "Ixwa Strike" Vehicles by events. Future Technology (2021) Survivability and armour. Armour front / side / back. Hull 25 / 25 / 25 mm . Turret 25 / 25 / 25 mm
M8装甲火炮系统 - 百度百科
M8装甲火炮系统,采用常规 炮塔 式结构,实际上是一种 轻型坦克。 具有一级防护水平时为18.05吨,二级防护水平时为20.4吨,三级防护水平时为23.6吨。 由于采用了 自动装弹机,战车乘员减为3人(车长、炮长、驾驶员)。 由于炮塔内一边是乘员,一边是自动装弹机,所以从正面看炮塔是不对称的。 [1] 2004之春,蛰伏了8年之久的M8 装甲 火炮系统复出,成为美国军界的一条不大不小的 新闻。 人们对M8的印象似乎已经淡漠。 那么,事隔8年,M8是否风采依旧。 1980 …
M8 Armored Gun System | Military Wiki | Fandom
The United Defense M8 Armored Gun System was a light tank that was intended to replace the M551 Sheridan in the 82nd Airborne Division, as well as being expected to replace TOW-equipped HMMWVs in...
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