Cationic Zirconium Dialkyl and Alkyl Complexes Supported by DAC ...
1997年6月10日 · The synthesis, characterization, and reactivity of a series of neutral and cationic Zr alkyls supported by DAC (deprotonated 4,13-diaza-18-crown-6) ligation are reported. Reaction of H2DAC with Zr(CH2Ph)4 affords a 1:4 mixture of cis- and trans-Zr(DAC)(CH2Ph)2 (cis-/trans-1a). The pure isomers undergo slow cis−trans isomerization in solution to regenerate the 1:4 cis:trans equilibrium ...
The DAC experiment was performed with Zr metal foils sandwiched between Au foils and compressed up to ~68 GPa. The Au foils protect the compressing diamonds and serves as a quasi-PTM, namely the Zr metal sample is compressed as if no PTM exists in the DAC, similar to the Stavrou et al. [3] experiment.
2024年6月5日 · 然而,随着速度和带宽的增加,DAC的传输距离受到了一定的限制。对于112G PAM4的单信道速率,具有CDR功能的重定时器(包括基于DSP的重定时器)是必要的。然而,需要注意的是,与Redrivers相比,复杂的重定时器可能会增加延迟并产生更高的成本。
如何理解光通信中的术语SR-LR-ZR - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2022年11月14日 · KR,CR,SR,DR,LR,ER,ZR的意思。 K表示背板互连, C表示铜线互连, S表示短距100m以上,多模光纤, D表示500m,并行单模光纤, F表示2km,通常是CWDM单模, L一般表示长距10km,单模光纤, E表示延长距离到40km, ZR…
光模块之SR、LRM、LR、ER 、ZR对比介绍 - Aruba SE
2019年11月16日 · SR,LRM,LR,ER,ZR是光纤通信中使用的术语,代表10G模块的传输距离。 MMF——Multimode Fiber多模光纤. 10GBase-SR. SR代表短距离(Short Range),这些收发器在多模光纤上支持300m的链路长度,并使用850nm激光。 10GBase-SR是原始的多模光学规范,并且至今仍是最常用的规范。
100G ZR QSFP28 Coherent DCO Transceivers Overview - Walsun
2024年10月22日 · Built around the Coherent Steelerton DSP, the 100G ZR QSFP28-DCO transceiver is fully compliant to the IEEE 802.3™-2022 100GBASE-ZR standard, ensuring interoperability with other solutions. ... These two types of DAC and AOC breakout cables are both pre-terminated with a QSFP+ transceiver on one …
100G ZR QSFP28 Coherent DCO Transceivers - AscentOptics
- 200G QSFP56 DAC - 200G QSFP56 Breakout DAC - 200G QSFP28-DD DAC - 200G QSFP28-DD Breakout DAC - 200G QSFP56 ACC - 200G QSFP56 AOC ... interface 100G optical coherent interface with DP-DQPSK modulation and Staircase FEC per IEEE Std. 802.3-2022 100GBASE-ZR or ITU-T G.709.2 Transmission reach: Up to 80km unamplified (loss limited) Up to 120km ...
800G QSFP-DD ZR+ Coherent DCO Transceiver - AscentOptics
Ascent Optics’ QDD-800COTU-5MCL 800G QSFP-DD ZR+ transceiver module is capable of transmission distances up to 480km and compliant to the OIF 800G ZR standard,and compliant to the Open ZR+ standard,it using the Silicon Photonics (SiPho) based optical engine and the latest DSP generation that enables 800G coherent transmission.
400G Pluggable Coherent ZR and ZR+ - Precision OT
2023年3月24日 · “400G pluggable coherent optics like ZR and ZR+ variants have a lot of complexity built-in with their immense functionality.” Introduction to 400G Pluggable Coherent Optics. Coherent technology has been the standard for fiber optic networks for transmissions of 100Gbps and higher at distances >= 40km for more than 10 years.
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