WZ-551 - Wikipedia
The ZSL-92A (WZ-551B) armored personnel carrier (APC) is fitted only with a QJC-88 12.7 mm machine gun. The troop compartment is larger and can carry 11 passengers. [ 22 ]
ZSL-92装甲输送车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
zsl-92b - 采用装有30毫米口径机炮、并列機槍外加红箭-73反坦克导弹的全封闭式炮塔,屬火力較强的版本。 “红箭-9”反坦克导弹發射車 - 在WZ551基础上发展为4×4驱动形式的WZ550,裝有4聯裝 红箭-9反坦克导弹 升降式发射装置。
Type 90 & 92 APC (1995) - tank-afv.com
ZLS 92B of the Hong Kong Garrison, a modernized version of the Type 92B APC (2012) The Type 92 is capable to cross a trench 1.2m wide, negotiate a 60% gradient or stay stable on 30% side slope. Road speed is around 85 kph, and 8 kph when swimming. The fuel tank was extended to 90 liter to reach 800 km or range.
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The WZ-551 (Type 92) Chinese 6x6 Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) is a Chinese wheeled armored personnel carrier. It is actually consisted of two families of vehicles with official...
ZSL-92裝甲輸送車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
ZSL-92B - 採用裝有30毫米口徑機炮、並列機槍外加 紅箭-73 反坦克飛彈的全封閉式炮塔,屬火力較強的版本。 「紅箭-9」反坦克飛彈發射車 - 在WZ551基礎上發展為4×4驅動形式的WZ550,裝有4聯裝 紅箭-9反坦克飛彈 升降式發射裝置。 本車另有裝甲搶修車、裝甲通訊指揮車、裝甲救護車...等多種各異改型,各地部隊各有不同。 還有8×8驅動形式底盤的衍生型。 基於WZ551A底盤,外加較大口徑火炮的砲塔,也可視作本車衍生的大幅改型: PLL-05自行迫榴炮 - 以WZ551A為 …
Here's What Made The ZSL92 APC Tank Unique From Its …
2024年6月8日 · The ZSL92 APC, more commonly known as the WZ-551 family of infantry fighting vehicles, is used by China and was vital when it was originally developed.
ZSL92 Armoured Transport Vehicle - FirearmCentral Wiki
The ZSL1992 Armored Transport Vehicle (abbreviated as ZSL92) is a Chinese armoured personnel carrier. Early production model APC. Armed with a 25mm gun. First production model APC. Armed with 25mm ZPT90. Second production model APC. Armed with 12.7mm QJC88. ZSL92B — WZ551B1 (?) Third production model APC. Armed with 30mm ZPT99 and HJ73.
ZSL92式轮式步兵战车 - 百度百科
92式步兵战车的动力装置为一台320马力BF8L413FC型8缸4冲程直喷式风冷增压柴油发动机。 该发动机由德国克罗克纳·霍姆伯特·道依茨股份有限公司 (KHD公司)研制,中国北方工业 (集团)总公司于80年代初引进该发动机技术,并由所属工厂生产。 该发动机性能先进,结构可靠,是一种优秀的军用发动机,其外形尺寸为长1.26米、宽1.072米、高1.03米,干重900公斤,总排量12.76升,压缩比为16.5,标定功率320马力 (2500转/分),燃油消耗率245克/千瓦·小时。 该发动机采 …
WZ-551 (Type 90/92) Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carriers
Norinco developed an improved APC designated WZ551A (Type 92) in the early 1990s. The first two prototypes were manufactured by August 1991. The Type 92 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) variant entered into the PLA in 1995. The Type 92 included 4×4, 6×6 and 8×8 configurations.
Army Guide
The armoured personnel carrier (APC) variant ZSL92A is exactly identical to the ZSL92 IFV, except its main armament being a 12.7mm machine gun. The gunner’s hatch is protected by a sphere-shaped, open top shield. The APC variant has a slightly better travelling performance compared to the ZSL92 IFV due to its reduced combat weight (14.9t).
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