Since the beginning of the Human Design System in 1987, Ra Uru Hu was its messenger and teacher, and within the IHDS, he created a unique educational process to fully explore and …
About Us - IHDS
Founded in 1992 by Ra Uru Hu, the International Human Design School (IHDS) is responsible for The Human Design System education training standards according to the original teachings. …
人類圖畫館 Human Design Museum 是由國際人類圖學院 (IHDS)培訓持有授課資格以及提供專業解讀分析的認證。 IHDS 由 Jovian 授權為中央認證學校,負責普通和高等教育以及教師培訓 …
Human Design Services - IHDS
New to Human Design? The International Human Design School welcomes you to learn the original knowledge as transmitted to Ra Uru Hu. Whether you are here to learn about your …
人类图课程体系--大致介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
只要是ihds上认证了的老师都可以跟他们学他们已经获得资质的课程。 查验参考本公号文 “如何预约人类图个人解读” 例如点开老师Laveena, 红色是基础培训课程资质:可培训第一阶LYD;黄 …
Home | India Human Development Survey
The India Human Development Survey (IHDS) is a nationally representative, multi-topic panel survey of 41,554 households in 1503 villages and 971 urban neighborhoods across India. …
IHDS 2 Questionnaires | India Human Development Survey
IHDS 2 Questionnaires . Questionnaires used in the survey can be downloaded as .pdf files: IHDS 2 Income and Social Capital Questionnaire. IHDS 2 Education and Health Questionnaire. …
Meer over de IHDS en CRKBO licenties | Human Design Netherlands
Een analist herken je ook aan onderstaande logo en certificaten per kwalificatie graad (let op; een 'living your design guide' is geen analist). Deze kennis in dit logische systeem is diepgaand …
比较人类图BG5和IHDS基础课程 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
bg5从物质世俗层面帮助人,ihds从灵性层面帮助人觉醒。 无论是从哪个层面帮助到别人,呼吁对有兴趣跟随正统人类图学习并成为正统认证师的亲,规划自己的学习,如有需要可以联系奇奇。
Barbara Peddinghaus, Human Design Analytiker & Lehrer (IHDS)
Hallo, ich bin Barbara, Gründerin der Human Design Academy, Analytikerin und Lehrerin der internationalen Human Design Schule (IHDS). Seitdem ich im Jahr 2010 in das Human Design …
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