Accuracy International AWM - Wikipedia
The Accuracy International AWM (Arctic Warfare Magnum or AI-Arctic Warfare Magnum) is a bolt-action sniper rifle manufactured by Accuracy International designed for magnum rifle cartridges.
精密國際AWM狙擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
精密國際AWM (Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum)為英國精密國際研發的北極作戰系列的 狙擊步槍,另稱 AWSM (Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Super …
Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum: The Powerful …
2023年3月28日 · The Accuracy International AWM, also known as the Arctic Warfare Magnum or AI-Arctic Warfare Magnum, is a bolt-action sniper rifle designed by Accuracy International …
精密國際AW狙擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
精密国际AW (Arctic Warfare—北极作战)是 英国 精密国际 公司所设计和制造的一系列 旋转后拉式枪机 式 狙击步枪 构成的枪族。 自从1980年代问世至今,该枪在警察和军队中均很普及。 …
Accuracy International AWM (Arctic Warfare Magnum)
2023年8月10日 · As a manually-actuated bolt-action system, the AWM is a true sniper rifle in every sense of the word and able to engage targets (effectively) out to 1,640 yards. The …
Accuracy International Arctic Warfare - Wikipedia
The AWM is a variant of the AW sniper rifle that is chambered for either the .300 Winchester Magnum or the .338 Lapua Magnum. It has a longer bolt compared to the AW, in order to …
Welcome to Accuracy International! Pick your target...
The items shown on this website are subject to the United Kingdom’s export control regime, as set out in the Export Control Act 2002 and the subsequent Export Control Order of 2008 (as …
AI AWM ——〖枪炮世界〗
AWM .300 Win Mag .338拉普-马格南步枪弹(8.6×70mm)采用250格令船形尾弹头,在超过1200米时速度下降不多,在1000米处的动能仍有1770焦,超过1300米仍有极强的杀伤能力, …
GGFM Presents the AWM - GoatGuns Fan Museum
In 1985 the AW was scaled up for use with the more powerful .338 Lapua Magnum cartridge. The new model dubbed the Artic Warfare Magnum or AWM was originally designed for the …
Accuracy International AWM | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The Accuracy International AWM (Arctic Warfare Magnum) is a bolt-action sniper rifle designed and manufactured by the British company Accuracy International. It is a highly accurate and …