CP 30 | GMC-I Prosys CP- 30 Current Clamp, 30A DC Max, AC/DC …
Precision current clamp suitable for non-intrusive current measurements in electrical electronic, process and light industrial systems, automotive systems, battery performance testing and battery charging systems.
GMC-I Prosys CP- 30 万用表钳形电流适配器, 交流/直流类型, 30A,
cp 30产品详细信息 CP3 系列交流/直流 30A 交流/直流电流探头 精密电流钳,适用于在电气电子、过程和照明工业系统、汽车系统、电池性能测试和电池充电系统中进行非侵入式电流测量。
万用表用电流传感器CP30 CP35使用说明书-德国GMC-I高美测仪
德国GMC-I高美测仪 百年德国电测仪表品牌,专注于功率分析仪,电能质量分析仪,安规测试仪,电量测量显示与控制等产品研发。 电力,光伏,汽车,医疗,航空,轨交等行业测试方案一体化提供商。
GMC-I Prosys CP 30 Operating Instructions Manual
View and Download GMC-I Prosys CP 30 operating instructions manual online. AC/DC CURRENT PROBES. CP 30 measuring instruments pdf manual download. Also for: Cp 35.
霍尔电流传感器_汽车电路检测仪_CP30-35-305 - GMC-I 新能源汽 …
☆ 两种型号万用表(cp30)和示波器(cp35和cp305) ☆ 交直流低电流测量降至m安培. ☆ 具有1ma分辨率的优良精度(cp30/cp35) ☆ 直流自动零点和自动断电 . ☆ 紧凑的轻量级设计 . ☆ 宽带宽和低相移用于功率和谐波测量 . ☆ 电力电子应用的优越噪声抑制
• Two Models Multimeter (CP30) and Oscilloscope (CP35 / CP305). • AC / DC Low Current Measurement down to mA. • Excellent Accuracy with 1mA Resolution (CP30 / CP35). • DC Auto Zero and Auto Power Off. • Compact Lightweight Design. • Broad Bandwidth and Low Phase Shift for Power and Harmonics Measurement.
CP30 GMC-I Prosys Electronic Components ICs, CP30 Datasheet
2024年10月16日 · CP30 Worldway Part: CP30-10182540 Manufacturer: GMC-I Prosys Category: Electronic Components ICs Applications: Automotive
- 评论数: 218
CP30 - GMC-I PROSYS - 夹式电流表, 0 至 30A - 2444047 | 创唯电 …
cp30-gmc-i prosys-夹式电流表, 0 至 30a. 现在就预定 cp30! 质优价廉, 发货迅速的 gmc-i prosys 现货产品。
CP30 AC-DC电流钳传感器_价格_参数_图片_GMC-I 测试仪器_深圳 …
cp30 ac-dc电流钳传感器 CP30,CP330,CP1100电压输出电流钳传感器主要用于精确非接触式的交直流电流的测量。 这些传感器非常适合精准电流测量 这要感谢很新的霍尔效应技术。
Global suppliers of CP30 GMC-I Prosys - xonelec.com
X-On Electronics has gained recognition as a prominent supplier of CP30 across the USA, India, Europe, Australia, and various other global locations. CP30 are a product manufactured by GMC-I Prosys. We provide cost-effective solutions for CP30, ensuring timely deliveries around the world.
- 评论数: 11