Recursive feature elimination with SVM with python
2020年7月7日 · I want to print all the features connected with rfecv. # Create the RFE object and compute a cross-validated score. svc = SVC (kernel="linear",C=5) # The "accuracy" scoring is
r - Multi-class feature selection using a SVM and rfe in the caret ...
2015年1月11日 · I am trying to use the rfe function from the caret package to run a feature selection on 400 variables belonging to about 50 different classes, with a total of 8000 …
Example for svm feature selection in R - Stack Overflow
2013年7月8日 · I'm trying to apply feature selection (e.g. recursive feature selection) in SVM, using the R package. I've installed Weka which supports feature selection in LibSVM but I …
svm - R using my own model in RFE (recursive feature elimination) …
2018年6月5日 · Using RFE, you can get a importance rank of the features, but right now I can only use the model and parameter inner the package like: lmFuncs(linear …
Implementation of SVM-RFE Algorithm in R - Stack Overflow
I'm using the R code for the implementation of SVM-RFE Algorithm from this source http://www.uccor.edu.ar/paginas/seminarios/Software/SVM_RFE_R_implementation.pdf but I …
Implementing SVM RFE and cannot locate library - Stack Overflow
2018年9月3日 · I'm looking to set up SVM RFE and found the SO article here: Implementation of SVM-RFE Algorithm in R It appears that the SVM function in the code is different from that in …
How to get the coefficients from RFE using sklearn?
2015年12月10日 · I am using Recursive Feature Estimation (RFE) for feature selection. This works by iteratively taking an estimator such as an SVM classifier, fitting it to the data, and …
python - Grid Search with Recursive Feature Elimination in scikit …
2016年4月18日 · I am trying to chain Grid Search and Recursive Feature Elimination in a Pipeline using scikit-learn. GridSearchCV and RFE with "bare" classifier works fine: from …
python - ValueError using recursive feature elimination for SVM …
2014年5月22日 · I'm trying to use the recursive feature elimination (RFE) function in scikit-learn but keep getting the error ValueError: coef_ is only available when using a linear kernel.
How to do recursive feature elimination with SVM in R
2019年1月2日 · The feature name is numeric, and it seems that svm() changes the name in it after fitting process. To match after that, I would change the column names first. Second, the …