1534 - Wikipedia
Year 1534 (MDXXXIV) was a common year starting on Thursday of the Julian calendar. January 15 – The Parliament of England passes the Act Respecting the Oath to the Succession, …
Historical Events in 1534 - On This Day
Historical events from year 1534. Learn about 25 famous, scandalous and important events that happened in 1534 or search by date or keyword.
1534年 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
緬甸勃固王朝與東吁王朝戰爭 (英语:Toungoo–Hanthawaddy War)。 士瓦本同盟 因 宗教改革 造成的分裂而解散。 5月10日 —— 雅克·卡蒂亞 抵達 紐芬蘭 部分地區,即現在加拿大東海岸 …
1534 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1534 was a common year starting on Thursday of the Julian calendar, the 1534th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 534th year of the 2nd millennium, …
World History 1525-1550 AD - Historycentral
1534 AD England Breaks With Church in Rome - After the Church of Rome canceled his annulment to Catherine, and had Henry VIII excommunicated for marrying Anne Boylen, …
1534年 - 百度百科
朝鲜明宗 (1534年-1567年),是 朝鲜 王朝的第13代君主,讳 李峘,庙号明宗,字对阳,谥号恭宪献毅昭文光肃敬孝大王,葬于杨州康陵。 明宗是文定 大妃 的亲生儿子,在她34岁诞生, …
1534 Archives - HISTORY
Discover what happened in this year with HISTORY’s summaries of major events, anniversaries, famous births and notable deaths. On May 10, 1534, French navigator Jacques Cartier …
1534 AD : E. McNally : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : …
Unordered events occurring during the year of 1534AD. This information was collected as part of a lifelong project to create a historical timeline by E....
公元前1534年历史事件_公元前1534年发生过的大事件_明紀年 干支甲午 公元1534 …
孟子本年或稍前自宋过薛经鲁至邹,在鲁时,曾劝阻鲁君以慎子为将军。 孟子在由宋至邹途中曾至鲁。 鲁平公元年,《史记·鲁周公世家》:“景公二十九年卒,子叔立,是为平公。 孟子于本 …
1534 Timeline Henry VIII the Reign
Timeline of the reign of Henry VIII for the year 1534, with important dates, concise narrative and illustrations.
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