LOL SUPERMAN(存在性待定的911事件中遗失录像;2001年)
2024年11月19日 · 目前关于911事件的录像中,有不少坠落者坠落时的画面,而记录下坠落者落地时的录像却十分罕见。 “LOL SUPERMAN”视频 2015年,一名匿名人士向4chan /x/ (超自然) 板块讲述了该视频的经历。
“LOL SUPERMAN"(911袭击中世贸广场的丢失影像) - 失传媒体 …
十九人在极端伊斯兰恐怖组织基地组织(Al-Qaeda)策划下分别实施了四起针对民用航空的劫持;其中两架被劫持的客机撞上了世界贸易中心的南北两塔,一架飞机撞向五角大楼,另一架坠毁于宾夕法尼亚。 共计2977人在袭击中遇害。 由于两架飞机对世贸中心的撞击,南塔的78层之上仅有一部楼梯可通行,而北塔91层之上没有楼梯可通行,导致数百名坠机的幸存者被困在两塔高层。 随着时间过去,很多被困者(因意外或为了避免火灾)从高楼上坠落。 据估计,两塔共有约200 …
LOL Superman 9 11 Lost Media Found - Archive.org
2024年1月24日 · LOL Superman 9 11 Lost Media Found Video Item Preview ... 911 Addeddate 2024-01-24 04:47:50 Identifier lol-superman-9-11-lost-media-found-1080p-60 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.7.0 . plus-circle Add Review. comment. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Be the first ...
9/11/01 September 11th OGRISH compilation collection
2001年9月14日 · this a collection of all of the known images/gifs/videos created for the 'America was attacked' thread started on Ogrish on the evening of Sept 11th 2001 in the wake of the attacks the admin and users created several compilations containing publicly available footage and …
LOL SUPERMAN megathread : r/911archive - Reddit
2023年1月24日 · Thread dedicated to the list plaza footage dubbed "lol superman" As of 1/18/23 the original post on r/lostmedia has been locked for an unknown reason. original thread. Frequently asked questions: Where is the screenshot from?
LOL Superman视频:911事件坠楼录像真实存在吗? - 百度贴吧
大约在06年左右,网上开始出现以“lol superman”为标题的视频,内容是一段记录911袭击现场的录像。 拍摄者在一个离大厦很近的位置,捕捉到了一位坠楼者下坠并最后撞击地面的惨烈场面(这样的镜头配上这种地狱笑话式标题,可见某些网民的底线)。
Cop Eats Pot Brownies, Calls 911 The post that started it all! Officer Edward Sanchez called his department after “overdosing” on some marijuana he apparently had taken from suspects.
I think I found a snippet of the video "LOL SUPERMAN" on ... - Reddit
it's not "LOL SUPERMAN". This was a relatively famous video of someone jumping, and the cameraman isn't nearly as close as the LOL SUPERMAN video. We know the video exists because in this video, Werner Herzog describes seeing footage close-up footage of 9/11 jumpers crashing to the ground that was obtained by a few media outlets. I'm sure the ...
[Partially Lost] "LOL SUPERMAN" Lost 9/11 shock video from The ... - Reddit
2022年7月30日 · In the First few seconds of this footage (taken by another group of Cameraman who also snuck into the plaza) you can see the very same people who filmed the "LOL SUPERMAN" clip running towards building 6, though just barely (if you look closely you can see them as white blotches)
The Search for 9/11 Lost Media - Foreign Perspectives
2023年9月11日 · While all of this is underway, there is an ongoing lost media search for an alleged shock video entitled “LOL SUPERMAN” which may contain graphic footage of victims falling from the World Trade Center and impacting on the pavement below in gruesome fashion. It and other pieces of 9/11 lost media raise ethical questions around what should be ...
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