AGM-65 Maverick - Wikipedia
The AGM-65 Maverick is an air-to-ground missile (AGM) designed for close air support. It is the most widely produced precision-guided missile in the Western world, [4] and is effective against a wide range of tactical targets, including armor, air defenses, ships, ground transportation and fuel storage facilities.
AGM-65 Maverick > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
The AGM-65 Maverick is a tactical, air-to-surface guided missile designed for close air support, interdiction and defense suppression mission. It provides stand-off capability and high …
Raytheon AGM-65 Maverick - Designation-Systems.Net
The AGM-65 Maverick was the first general purpose fire-and-forget tactical air-to-ground missile in service with the U.S. Air Force. It was produced in very large numbers, and its later versions will remain in the U.S. inventory for some time in the future.
AGM-65 Maverick Guided Missile - United States Navy
2021年9月27日 · The AGM-65 Maverick is an air-to-surface tactical missile designed for close air support, interdiction, and defense suppression. It is effective against a wide range of tactical...
AGM-65 Maverick - Military.com
The AGM-65 Maverick is an air-to-surface tactical missile designed for close air support, interdiction, and defense suppression. It is effective against a wide range of tactical...
AGM-65 Maverick Tactical Air-Ground Missile
2021年1月12日 · The AGM-65 Maverick is a tactical, air-to-ground missile (AGM) in service with the US Air Force (USAF). It is a precision-guided weapon that can be used for defence suppression, close air support and interdiction missions.
AGM-65 Maverick — Википедия
AGM-65 Maverick (/ mævrɪk /, « Маверик » [2]) — американская тактическая ракета класса «воздух-поверхность». Предназначена для оперативного нанесения высокоточных ударов по противнику. Ракета позволяет уничтожать хорошо бронированные и движущиеся цели в условиях городской застройки.
The Ultimate Guide to AGM-65 Maverick: Features, History, and ...
2024年5月23日 · The AGM-65 Maverick, a renowned precision-guided missile, holds a pivotal place in modern military arsenal. This formidable weapon system, equipped with cutting-edge technology, has defined its legacy on the battlefield for decades.
AGM-65小牛飛彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AGM-65“小牛” (英語: AGM-65 Maverick),是 美国 研制的一种為 近距離空中支援 而开发的空對地戰術 飛彈 (AGM),取代了 AGM-12飛彈,小牛飛彈家族是 西方國家 量產時間最久的精確導引武器。 它能有效地打擊各種戰術目標,包括 戰車 、 混凝土 工事、機庫、 砲兵 陣地、地面 飛機 [1] 、防空設備、艦艇、地面運輸部隊及燃料儲存設施等。 美國空軍在1965年尋求AGM-12飛彈 …
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8, 2020 MISSION The AGM-65 Maverick is a tactical, air-to-surface guided missile designed for close air support, interdiction and defense supp. ession mission. It provides stand-off capability and high probability of strike against a wide range of tactical targets, including armor, air defenses, ships, transportation equipment and fuel sto.
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