CCGGG | IP6A-24LUTP-PG1S-PG1S - CommScope
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ccggg - YouTube
YouTube video by CCGG showcasing content related to Farlight 84 and Valorant.
XmaI - NEB
NEB began switching our BSA-containing reaction buffers in April 2021 to buffers containing Recombinant Albumin (rAlbumin) for restriction enzymes and some DNA modifying enzymes. Find more details at www.neb.com/BSA-free. An E. coli strain that carries the XmaI gene from Xanthomonas malvacearum (ATCC 9924).
Compatible Cohesive Ends and Generation of New Restriction Sites
Generate new restriction sites by ligation of DNA fragments with compatible cohesive or blunt ends.
Cleavage of methylated CCCGGG sequences containing either N4 ...
Cleavage of methylated CCCGGG sequences containing either N4-methylcytosine or 5-methylcytosine with MspI, HpaII, SmaI, XmaI and Cfr9I restriction endonucleases. The cleavage specificity of R.Cfr9I was determined to be C decreases CCGGG whereas the methylation specificity of M.Cfr9I was C4mCCGGG.
Isoschizomer - Wikipedia
Isoschizomers are pairs of restriction enzymes specific to the same recognition sequence. For example, SphI (CGTAC/G) and BbuI (CGTAC/G) are isoschizomers of each other. The first enzyme discovered which recognizes a given sequence is known as the prototype; all subsequently identified enzymes that recognize that sequence are isoschizomers.
Cleavage of methylated CCCGGG sequences containing either N4 …
1987年9月11日 · The action of MspI, HpaII, SmaI, XmaI and Cfr9I restriction endonucleases on an unmethylated parent d (GGACCCGGGTCC) dodecanucleotide duplex and a set of oligonucleotide duplexes, containing all possible substitutions of either 4mC or 5mC for C in the CCCGGG sequence, was investigated.
One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme required to digest 1 µg of pBC4 DNA in 1 hour at 75°C in a total reaction volume of 50 µl. May exhibit star activity in NEBuffer r1.1, NEBuffer r2.1 or NEBuffer r 3.1.
GEO Accession viewer - National Center for Biotechnology Information
2019年5月15日 · Briefly, genomic DNA was sequentially digested by SmaI and XmaI, which both recognize the sequence CCCGGG. SmaI is methylation sensitive, where XmaI is methylation insensitive.
A promoter function of the CCCGGG Sma I recognition sequence …
2001年2月23日 · We report here that the CCCGGG sequence, a Sma I site, in the cloning region of the pGL3-Basic vector can promote p53-dependent transcription of the luc+ gene. We have demonstrated, by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), that human p53 is able to bind to the CCCGGG sequence in vitro.
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