骰子的简介(d4/d6/d8/d10/d12/d20)示例如下 - 百度贴吧
很多没接触过dnd的玩家经常问,1d6是什么鬼,其实就是扔1个6面骰子(tou zi)同理,2d4就是扔两个4面骰子。 现在发几个骰子的图片,给大家看看,更为直观。
Dice notation - Wikipedia
1d6×5 or 5×d6 means "roll one 6-sided die, and multiply the result by 5." 3d6×10+3 means "roll three 6-sided dice, add them together, multiply the result by 10, and then add 3." Multiplication can also mean repeating throws of similar setup (usually represented by the letter "x", rather than the multiplication symbol):
Roll 1D6 - DieDice
Roll 4D6 means you roll 4 dice and add up the total of the dice. Roll 2D6+2 means you roll 2 dice, add those two results together, then add +2 (the “+” is optional). You can also use our tool to generate a random number from anything from a 10 to 1 billion! What is dice notation?
对应每个法师等级 4 (1d6)+你的体质调整 4是默认数值,括号里的1d6是告诉你这个4是怎么来的,一般就用4+你的体制调整比较方便,但比较喜欢随机的DM会让你投骰子1D6+你的体制调整
问下翻译的问题,1d6+3和4d6+3代表什么 - 百度贴吧
4d6就是骰4个6面骰子,得出的结果再相加就是最后的数值。 比如4d6+3骰出(4+5+6+2+3+1)+3=24. D后面是骰子的面。 d6是最常见的六面骰子,d20是20面的,d100是100面的. 六面骰子 投四次 四次相加的总数就是最后的结果。 最低1×4最高6×4. 问下翻译的问题,1d..伤害翻译4d6+3,4d好像是4个筛子,6不知道啥意思,+3是加3伤害。 不知道理解的对不多,谁能告诉下筛子是个什么判定吗? 新手不理解是要1个筛子投出6以上吗?
1d4, 1d6, 1d8, etc - Enter the Arcverse
In Dungeons & Dragons, the terms "1d4," "1d6," "1d8," and so on, are expressions used to describe the type and range of dice rolls used to determine various outcomes within the game. These expressions consist of a number (the "1" in this case) followed by a lowercase "d" and another number representing the type of dice to be rolled.
What Does 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, & 1d10 Mean in BG3 - Gamepur
2023年8月10日 · Terms like 1d4 and 1d6 are commonly used in Baldur’s Gate 3 whenever talking about a your character has at their disposal. For example, a short sword has 1d6 slashing damage, but there’s no...
博德之门3骰子1d8、1d20和2d6都有哪些意思? - 百度知道
1d8的意思是1个8面骰Roll一次,所得的1-8即伤害;2d6就是2个6面骰Roll两次,所得数值之和为伤害区间,即2-12。 最终的伤害数值还会加上主属性的调整值。 地图上会有很多地方有机关、陷阱、壁画、雕塑等会触发一些额外的信息或区域,所有的这些的触发机制,都需要进行掷一个20面骰子(1d20)来进行检定,如果检定通过你就能得到一些信息或发现可互动的机关,如果失败,你会知道这里有东西,但无法互动。 成功概率和上文中提到的调整值有关,相应技能的调整值越 …
基础骰子 | paotuan.io
骰子表达式支持各类基本的数学运算:加减(d10+d6-2)、乘除(d6*5/d10)、乘方(3d20^4 或 3d20**4)、取模(d15%2)。 支持利用括号调整运算优先级,就和我们熟悉的数学表达式一样。 此外还支持以下数学函数: abs, ceil, cos, exp, floor, log, max, min, pow, round, sign, sin, sqrt, tan. …
DnD Dice Roller
DnD Dice Roller is an online virtual dice roller for Dungeons & Dragons or any tabletop game where dice are required. Roll any type or combination of D&D dice.
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