Doc - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
早期版本中,Doc的武器 MP5 和 P90 都有2.5x倍率的ACOG瞄准镜可选,使得那时候许多Doc玩家在开局会直接前去窗外试图截杀室外的进攻方(偷人),这一高风险行为一旦失误很容易导Doc开局暴毙,无法对团队贡献作用。 改动记录
Doc - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
MP5. 冲锋枪 短中程范围使用的冲锋枪,兼具高射速和易于移动的特性,特别受到GIGN的青睐。 伤害 :27 射速 :800 ... Doc在游戏里属于一个主要的守点和辅助位置干员,尽可能的在点内或点附近进行防守,不要距离队友过远
[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Doc Loadouts That Are Excellent
2024年8月8日 · The extended barrel on Doc’s MP5 submachine gun will increase its damage from 27 to 30 as well as decrease its range damage drop-off, allowing him to inflict high damage regardless of the distance The angled grip attachment will provide Doc with a 20% reload speed boost on his MP5 submachine gun which is a great perk to have especially when ...
MP5 冲锋枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
Doc: Melusi: 红点 反射 全息 1.5x ... 1966年秋,德国边防大队给予其MP5的编号,使用滚柱延迟反冲和闭膛待击设计的MP5比起同时代大多使用自由反冲和开膛待击的冲锋枪拥有更好的精度和更低的体感后座力,但代价就是更复杂的结构和更高的造价。
P90 or mp5 for doc and rook : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
2021年4月11日 · For Doc, it's really preference, at close range the MP5's ttk is faster by like 5m-70ms which is basically nothing. If you like higher rof guns, can control the recoil (which is really little with the flash hider) and hit heads, use the P90 on Doc.
DOC - R6 Operator Guide - Rainbow Six Siege Center
Doc is an R6 Siege Operator available since the game's release. Our in-depth guide offers information on how to play Doc: playstyle, utility, and loadout! Skip to content. Menu. Video Guides; ... MP5 is a weapon with a good balance in statistics, as well as easy to control recoil.
NO.19 适合新手的干员推荐:ROOK / DOC篇 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
《彩虹六号围攻》干员枪支选择推荐 干员枪支如何选择_DOC…
2017年9月14日 · doc&rook MP5我个人认为是全冲锋枪中偷人最好用的,后坐力较小,可以加ACOG,远距离打击能力很强,万金油不过多解释。 说到P90我不太喜欢,因为其伤害太低,后坐力上天,除了子弹多其余各方面均不如MP5。
MP5 - Rainbow Six Wiki
The MP5 is a submachine gun featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. It is available for use by Doc, Rook and Melusi. Overview [] The MP5 has a highly manageable recoil that allows the user to control it with ease. However, it has a rather underwhelming damage output.
What gun does doc have r6? - GB Times Gamepedia
2025年3月18日 · MP5: A reliable and accurate submachine gun, the MP5 is a popular choice for Doc players. Its manageable recoil and decent rate of fire make it effective in close to medium-range engagements.
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