Florida Department of Education Home
Serving nearly 2.8 million students, 4,400 public schools, and 28 colleges, the Florida Department of Education serves its citizens and communities through early learning programs, K-12 and higher education, skills training, and career development.
Educator Certification - Florida Department of Education
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For all other questions and concerns, please email [email protected]. Directories of Florida Schools. Florida Districts & Schools; Florida Colleges; Educator Preparation Institutes; Public Universities; Independent Colleges and Universities; Useful Telephone Numbers. Blind Services: 800-342-1828; Braille/Talking Book Services: 800-226-6075 ...
Teaching - Florida Department of Education
The Florida Department of Education provides resources to school districts, universities and educators to help ensure that the state's educational workforce becomes highly effective in improving student achievement.
School Choice - Florida Department of Education
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Please request your institution to submit an official transcript electronically to the Bureau of Educator Certification, if possible. Official transcripts may only be submitted electronically by the academic institution via the FASTER or SPEEDE systems as the only secure methods of electronic receipt by the Florida Department of Education.
Assessments - Florida Department of Education
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Florida School Accountability Reports - Florida Department of …
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Florida Report Cards - Florida Department of Education
The Florida Department of Education will provide tiered support to school districts to reduce the achievement gap by increasing student achievement in schools identified for ATSI, TSI and CSI.
About Us - Florida Department of Education
Email: [email protected]. Mission: The mission of Florida’s Early Learning-20 education system shall be to increase the proficiency of all students within one seamless, efficient system, by allowing them the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills through learning opportunities and research valued by students, parents, and ...
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