( Buddhism in Chinese) - Han Trainer English-Chinese and Chinese ...
佛教 ( Fojiao / Fójiào ) is composed of these characters: 佛 (fo) , 教 (jiao) The traditional Chinese characters of Fójiào are identical with the modern (simplified) characters displayed above.
Tibetan Buddhism - Wikipedia
Westerners unfamiliar with Tibetan Buddhism initially turned to China for understanding. In Chinese, the term used is Lamaism (literally, "doctrine of the lamas": 喇嘛教 lama jiao) to distinguish it from a then-traditional Chinese Buddhism (佛教 fo jiao). The term was taken up by western scholars, including Hegel, as early as 1822.
The Real Meaning of Religion – 淨空之友社
Buddhism, or “Fo Jiao” in Chinese, means the Buddha’s (fo) teachings (jiao). Buddhism is a most virtuous and perfect teaching taught by Sakyamuni Buddha for the benefit of all beings in the universe, which covers the Nine Dharma Realms.
佛教 (fó jiào) Definition & Meaning - What does 佛教 ... - HanBook
The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 佛教 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese translation of 佛教 is Buddhism .
What Is Buddhism In Ancient China?-Fo Jiao - Son Of China
2021年12月17日 · Today, Chinese Buddhism is the largest of China’s largest institutionalized regions, with a huge chunk of the Buddhist population based in Mainland China. Buddhism first made its way into ancient China during the reign of the Han Dynasty of between 202 and 220BCE, through the Indian missionaries who spread the religion in China.
"皈依佛门"是佛教用语,是指正式成为佛教信徒的一个手续,皈依是入佛法门的第一步 [1]。 具体包括参加 皈依三宝 仪式,然后领取皈依证书,此后就可以居士身份自愿参加定期的佛事活动了。 这和成为基督教信徒要接受洗礼、此后自愿参加礼拜弥撒是同一个道理。 佛教用语。 皈依的意思是:身心归向它、依附它。 [2] 皈依佛门乃 佛教徒 之根基入门。 所谓 内道 、 外道 之区别在于有无 皈依三宝。 皈依为皈投或依附之意,也就是盼望投靠三宝的气力而得到掩护与摆脱。 三宝指 …
佛教 - Chinese Character Detail Page - Written Chinese
Learn more details about 佛教 Chinese character and share your story, photos and comments about it. Also check out the example sentences for the character.
佛脚 - 百度百科
佛脚(fo jiao),汉语词汇,原指佛像的脚。 现多用于 临时抱佛脚。 佛脚出自“ 临时抱佛脚 ”一词。 临时抱佛脚,原意为年老信佛,以求保佑,有 临渴掘井 之意。 后因称平时无准备而事急时仓促张罗为“临时抱佛脚”。 佛脚 的寓意是希望我们能沿着佛陀的脚步,把“爱和慈悲”的观念通过我们的足迹带给我们身边的朋友和家人以及在前进的路途中遇见的朋友们。 慈悲和博爱是众生的智慧启蒙。 意在唤起人们心中的慈悲和博爱,对智慧的敬仰与修行! 修得此大智慧的人,有 知足常 …
Zhongguo fo jiao bai ke : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming ...
2023年3月17日 · Zhongguo fo jiao bai ke. Publication date 2008 Topics Buddhism -- China -- Encyclopedias Publisher Beijing : Hua ling chu ban she Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language Chinese Title (alternate script) 中国佛教百科
佛教 - Buddhism - Fó jiào | Definition | ChinesePod.com
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