【不严谨的评测】“国货之光"?高导导热硅脂与信越对比评测 (GD900…
“国货之光"?高导导热硅脂与信越对比评测 (GD900硅脂)_图拉丁 …
[外国装机员都称好的高性价比硅脂] 高导GD900,GD007评测
高导硅脂乱斗 GD900-1和GD900评测,高导gd2硅脂把我5600和ax120rse磨花了,硅脂 请认准这个品牌 世界第一好品牌,信越硅脂这么厉害 国产硅脂能否一战?
Thermal Paste - GPU Thermal Compound Paste | GD900 Non …
2025年2月3日 · The GD900 Thermal Paste is a high-performance thermal compound designed to improve heat dissipation between CPUs, GPUs, and heat sinks. It ensures optimal thermal conductivity, reducing overheating and enhancing the performance of electronic components.
楼主,你可以和商家py,买5块包邮的gd32,让他改包邮,这家好人。 装了GD900-1¥0.43元一克,膏体有点像MX-4易涂抹,使用按压式安装散热器,风扇换了ID的先满载一天明天再测试半小时烤鸡平均温度,机箱爱国者A15封闭风道前二后一。
硅脂含银真能变强?高导硅脂乱斗 GD900-1和GD900评测_哔哩哔 …
三款tb国产硅脂简单评测,7款硅脂长测总结--霍尼韦尔7950、信越7921、7868、陶熙5888、泰吉诺PCM800X、MNF、冷酷狮9211评测,高导硅脂弄坏核心,高导GD-2会划伤CPU GPU核心晶元封装和铜底出现小窟窿眼, [外国装机员都称好的高性价比硅脂] 高导GD900,GD007评测,【硅脂 …
导热硅脂的平民级测试,信越7868和国产硅脂差距有多大?_图拉 …
is the GD900 thermal paste good? - Cooling - Linus Tech Tips
2020年6月5日 · I don't remember how GD900 performed but it was NOT a top performing paste. I remember it being average fare. Maybe around MX-4 tier, but worse than all the newer pastes like NT-H2, Thermalright TF6, TF8, TFX, Kryonaut, Gelid and Gel Maker Nano. The redeeming detail about it is that you can get a LOT of the stuff for cheap.
Thermal Paste GD900 review : r/buildapc - Reddit
2019年12月26日 · From 3+ years experience, it's better than the stuff Dell uses. And when GD900 is a year old or less (still "wet"), it performs like NT-H1. It's the best deal I've ever gotten as far as price & performance. If you want the best performance out of it, change it once a year.
GD900-1导热硅脂 佛山市顺德区高导电子有限公司
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