MCF 10A - CRL-10317 - ATCC
The MCF 10A cell line is a non-tumorigenic epithelial cell line. The cells are positive for epithelial sialomucins, cytokeratins and milk fat globule antigen. They exhibit three dimensional growth in collagen, and form domes in confluent cultures. Thus far, the cells have shown no signs of terminal differentiation or senescence.
MCF10A细胞株来源于1984年从一名患有纤维囊性乳房的36岁白人女性的乳腺中分离得到,由密歇根癌症基金会保存。 MCF 10A细胞系在免疫抑制小鼠非致瘤,在在半固体培养基中致瘤。 MCF10A细胞株对上皮唾液酸粘蛋白、细胞角蛋白和乳脂肪球抗原呈阳性。 MCF10A细胞株在胶原中表现出三维生长,并在融合培养物中形成圆顶。 对胰岛素、糖皮质激素、霍乱肠毒素和表皮生长因子(EGF)有反应。 表达乳腺特异性抗原,如与MFA乳腺和MC-5单克隆抗体的阳性反应。 …
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人乳腺细胞 MCF10A
细胞描述: 人乳腺细胞MCF 10A 是一种非致瘤性上皮细胞系。 上皮唾液酸粘蛋白(epithelial sialomucins) , 细胞角蛋白(cytokeratins) 和乳脂肪球抗原(milk fat globule antigen) 阳性。 MCF 10A 在胶原蛋白中呈现三维生长,并在融合时形成圆顶状形态。 迄今为止, 细胞未显示终末分化或衰老的迹象。 该细胞系对胰岛素、糖皮质激素、 霍乱肠毒素和表皮生长因子(EGF) 有响应。 通过电子显微镜观察,该细胞呈现管腔导管细胞的特征,但 不呈现肌上皮细胞的特征。 培养液中的钙含量对 …
The MCF10 Model of Breast Tumor Progression - PubMed
2021年8月15日 · The MCF10 cell lines first described by Soule and colleagues in 1990 have been a great resource for the breast cancer research community, facilitating research on the regulation of normal breast epithelial phenotypes and progressive changes in this regulation during malignancy. Here we review the de …
细胞攻略 | MCF 10A(人正常乳腺上皮细胞) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
MCF 10A细胞对胰岛素、糖皮质激素、霍乱肠毒素和表皮生长因子(EGF)有反应。 MCF 10A细胞可以用于3D细胞培养,也是一种合适的转染宿主。 MCF10A细胞消化时间较长,通常需要5min或者更久,具体时间因胰酶浓度、效价、消化条件有所不同,第一次对该细胞进行消化时要摸索最佳时间。 培养基中胰岛素、氢化可的松、表皮生长因子、非必须氨基酸等成分对MCF10A的生长有着关键作用,必须添加这些因子才能正常培养。
Evaluation of MCF10A as a Reliable Model for Normal Human …
MCF10A cells exhibit a unique differentiated phenotype in 3D culture which may not exist or be rare in normal human breast tissue. Our results raise a question as to whether the commonly used MCF10A cell line is a suitable model for human mammary cell studies.
MCF10A细胞培养,人乳腺上皮细胞培养攻略 - 丰晖生物 - 知乎
2023年10月12日 · MCF-10A人乳腺上皮细胞系是最常用的正常乳腺细胞功能和转化的模型,可用于乳腺癌基因功能分析,是个合适的转染宿主。 其中3D培养的MCF-10A模型为了解乳腺发育中细胞间相互作用、研究微环境对乳腺细胞功能的影响,以及不同基因或非基因修饰对乳腺细胞转化的影响提供了有用的模型工具。 MCF-10A为贴壁细胞,上皮细胞样,培养基中的钙含量对细胞形态有较大影响。 MCF-10A细胞系为非致瘤性,但它们在基质胶中呈三维生长,能够形成具有中 …
The MCF10 Model of Breast Tumor Progression | Cancer Research ...
2021年8月15日 · MCF10 cell lines have been widely used to model central aspects of breast malignancy. In this commentary, we review three major research areas that MCF10 cell lines have enabled: 3D culture systems, genetic engineering studies, and the subline progression series. Key findings are briefly stated within the schematic.
Comparative Morphological Analysis of MCF10A and MCF7 Cells …
In this light, our study aimed to comprehensively analyze the morphological features of the MCF10A and MCF7 cell lines, representing normal breast and breast cancer cells, respectively. The ultimate objective was to identify the most significant …
Evaluation of MCF10A as a Reliable Model for Normal Human
2015年7月6日 · MCF10A cells exhibit a unique differentiated phenotype in 3D culture which may not exist or be rare in normal human breast tissue. Our results raise a question as to whether the commonly used MCF10A cell line is a suitable model for human mammary cell studies.
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