Supply Chain Visibility Platform
Transform your inventory-in-motion into a competitive advantage with AI-powered automation that predicts, optimizes, and acts—keeping your supply chain miles ahead. project44 Named a Leader in the 2025 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Real-Time Transportation Visibility Platforms for Fifth Consecutive Year.
Company | project44
project44 is on a mission to make supply chains work. Movement by project44, the only High-Velocity Supply Chain Platform, enables shippers, LSPs and carriers across the globe to reduce costs, optimize operations, deliver an exceptional customer experience and drive greater resiliency and sustainability.
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As the connective tissue of global logistics, project44 empowers the world’s leading brands with real-time visibility. Having built the industry’s largest and most connected ecosystem, we provide...
Platform | project44
project44 meets the highest standards of data privacy. Whether your data is in transit or at rest, using project44 strengthens your securities. Our network scale enables fast carrier connections and the ability to stitch together multimodal moves, …
P44 PRO失缓了? - 电脑讨论(新) - Chiphell - 分享与交流用户体验
2023年5月4日 · P44PRO失缓源自于海力士去学三星的SLC策略,但是这个基本不影响你的使用,也就跑分不好看,你往盘里写个大点的文件触发他的回收就好了。 P44 PRO失缓了? ,各位彦祖们,我这个P44是失缓了吗? 写入速度很不正常系统win11最新,装了自带的驱动有什么解救措施 …
是“新秀”也是巨头 Solidigm P44 Pro固态硬盘上手评测_天极网
2023年3月16日 · Solidigm P44 Pro这款旗舰级PCIe 4.0固态硬盘新品于2022年10月19日推出,至今不过半年,它能够凭借全自研核心技术,与老牌大厂(虽然它自己也是)的旗舰产品掰一掰手腕吗?
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創作意念是把經典的 usmc p44 軍褲重塑成更貼近現代的版本,提高軍褲的美感和實用度。 香港製造。 版型:以經典剪裁為基礎把褲檔加大,倍感舒適,版型稍微加寬呈小錐型輪廓
极致稳定丨Solidigm P44 Pro 1TB固态硬盘个人测评报告 - 知乎
从全盘写入来看,P44 Pro的表现是相当出色的,前段SLC写入在2.7G/s,此后直写部分保持了1.5G/s的速度直至写到883G,SLC回收缓过劲来恢复到2G/s的速度。 所以P44 Pro的温度墙应该是比较低的。 建议安装散热片使用. 大概就是下面这个样子. 先看看老三样测试: ASSSD、 CDM 以及 HDTune. P44 Pro表现出了旗舰应该有的样子,数据读取得延迟随着占用而增加,但是写入非常稳定。 整体这个盘对于脏盘不敏感. 从CDM的数据来看,P44 Pro在WIN10这种受限制的系统 …
巅峰对决:SOLIDIGM P44 Pro和三星990 PRO:谁才是真正的王 …
从读写性能方面看,SOLIDIGM P44 Pro表现抢眼:其读速到了7000MB/s,写入速度也到了6500MB/s,并且配备了1GB独立缓存。 而这款SOLIDIGM P44 Pro一个很大的亮点就是 ,其1TB容量质保高达750TBW,其擦写寿命远超三星990 PRO。 综合来看,SOLIDIGM P44 Pro性价比相当高,其不论是读速还是写入速度,以及擦写寿命,都远超三星980 PRO,价格却比三星980 PRO还要便宜:SOLIDIGM P44 Pro目前1TB容量价格到手只有799元。
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As the connective tissue of global logistics, project44 empowers the world’s leading brands with real-time visibility. Having built the industry’s largest and most connected ecosystem, we provide...
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