SCP-4306 - SCP Foundation
SCP-4306 is to wear a remote-activated electrified collar at all times. RFID sensors have been placed at all entrance and exit checkpoints at Site-47. In case of systems failure, the on-shift security supervisor will have a battery-operated remote activator on their person at all times.
SCP Series 5 - SCP Foundation
2024年12月18日 · SCP-4327 - Suppressive fire in, suppressive fire out! Do the hokey-pokey and that's what it's all about! SCP-4345 - Not your Home, not your Pain, not your Self. SCP-4367 - What Are The Odds? SCP-4376 - Have you tried just smiling more? SCP-4377 - Fight! Fight for the Man of the People!
SCP-4306 The Old Lady Who Lives In A Shoe : r/SCP - Reddit
2019年5月20日 · SCP-4306's anomalous effects manifest when SCP-4306-1 is read. While reading the poem, the reader almost always notices an elderly lady appearing right next to them. The old lady is known as SCP-4306-2. Attempts to kill SCP-4306-2 have resulted in failure. Sometimes, SCP-4306-2 has been known to come out of SCP-4306 and lure in people.
SCP-4006 - SCP Foundation
2024年7月21日 · Actions taken in regards to SCP-4006 should follow standard protocol of maintaining the veil (Protocol MtV-4006). Description: SCP-4006 is a probabilistic anomaly affecting the state of Massachusetts, USA. SCP-4006 works to perpetuate the idea that Massachusetts is a populated state with a government, …
SCP-006 - 青春湧泉 - SCP基金會
描述: scp-006是一座規模極小的泉水,並坐落於阿斯特拉罕 1 以西60公里處。自19世紀以來基金會總部便已注意到項目的存在,但基於政治因素,對項目的安置措施直至1991年才得以實施。
Could SCP-4306 have antimemetic properties? : r/SCP - Reddit
2024年4月27日 · So to sum it up SCP-4306 is a guy and a set of sanitation equipment that, when used by the guy will seemingly instantaneously clean the object/space he's cleaning. It's later revealed in an experiment log that a clock in the room …
SCP-4306 ( Credit to SCP-049-1 on Amino) : r/SCP - Reddit
2019年6月17日 · Made a few posters for the upcoming SCP inspired film, Contamination, let us know which one you think is the best.
Scp-4306 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
We die in the dark so that you may live in the light. Secure. Contain. Protect.
SCP-096 - The "Shy Guy"/“害羞的家伙”(重译版) - longluntan
2013年1月19日 · SCP-096的隔间内绝对不允许出现监控摄像机或任何类型的光学工具。 安保人员应使用预先安装的压力传感器和激光探测器以确认SCP-096是否处于隔间中。 若无 博士和O5- 许可,严禁制造SCP-096的任何照片、录像或肖像画。 描述: SCP-096是一个约2.38米高的人型生物。 对象几乎没有肌肉,初步的体重分析表明其有轻度的营养不良。 其手臂与身体严重不成比例,每只长约1.5米。 大部分皮肤完全不含色素,体表无毛。 SCP-096的颌部张角可达一般人类 …
SCP-2306 - 返世AI - SCP基金會
描述: SCP-2306為一款黑銀雙色16GB隨身碟,外殼標有白色「&」記號。 就檔案儲存功能而言,SCP-2306與構造及儲存容量相似之隨身碟表現一致。 SCP-2306的異常性質於其連接至電腦後顯現。 與之連結的電腦會自動運行自稱「Ian」的人工智慧程式,下稱SCP-2306-1。 無論電腦的作業系統為何,SCP-2306-1都能夠正常運行。 同樣地,SCP-2306-1的認知能力亦不受電腦本身的性能所限。 若電腦配有揚聲器,SCP-2306-1能夠發出聲音並以男性的嗓音說話。 若配備麥克風 …
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