Moogy - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
His ID: uuu9 comes from the popular Chinese eSports and game website uuu9.com because he has once been the moderator of the Dota 2 board. Changed his ID from uuu9 to Moogy on May 6th, 2017.
Moogy - Dota 2 Wiki
Xu "Moogy" Han is a Chinese professional Dota 2 player who last played for Newbee. Moogy began his professional career on TongFu.WanZhou around October 2013 and was the team's solo mid player during his entire stay on the team. [1]
uuu9是倒闭了吗,打不开了 - NGA玩家社区
2005年10月8日 · NGA玩家社区 致力打造最专业的DotA玩家论坛 拥有最新的资讯与攻略 最及时的DotA2赛事资讯 DotA2官方合作论坛
Dota 2 Wiki | Liquipedia
Comprehensive Dota 2 wiki with articles covering everything from heroes and items, to strategies, to tournaments, to competitive players, and teams.
U9 - Overview - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats
2020年1月21日 · View the complete Dota 2 profile for U9 on Dotabuff
SteelSeries UUU9 League - Dota 2 Wiki
The SteelSeries UUU9 League is an open tournament for new and experienced teams. The top teams in China have been invited to compete for the 17,000RMB prize pool. Community …
dota2新闻u9战队加入newbee,这支战队有何实力? - 易采游戏网
3 天之前 · u9战队是一支由中国著名主播“咕噜灵波”组建的dota2战队,成立于2021年。 这支战队的成员来自于各地,都是经过层层筛选和选拔,拥有着优秀的游戏技术和团队合作能力的玩家。
u9 dota2(U9电竞俱乐部在Dota2领域的崛起与辉煌)_游界先锋
DOTA专题站_DOTA6.83c_DOTA6.81d_DOTA6.80c_游久 (UUU9) …
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