What is a trill? - Music: Practice & Theory Stack Exchange
2015年10月11日 · The trill or "shake" is initially performed between the note written and the note above it according to the key signature, subject to modifications by previous accidentals. E.g. …
How do I notate an alternate trill?
2022年2月25日 · A trill to a lower note is equivalent to a trill from the lower note to the upper one with a preceding grace note, so that is how it is normally notated. From the book "Behind Bars" …
How to play this trill? - Music: Practice & Theory Stack Exchange
2020年5月15日 · The little B and C at the end of the measure simply indicate that the last two notes of the trill should be B and C. Without that indication, they would be D and C. So …
technique - How do you practice trills on piano? - Music: Practice ...
My piano teacher advised to use fingers 2-4 or 1-3 to perform trills. If the trill is on top of an "arpeggiated" chord, that top note would most likely get finger 5, but use the finger sequence 5 …
ornaments - Questions about mordents and trills (piano) - Music ...
2020年7月17日 · The term you have to research is ornament (trill, mordent, praller): the trill = upper changing note, mordent = lower changing note. Here‘s the result of my google research: …
baroque period - Bach: How is this mordent to be realized? Why …
2015年3月15日 · The countersubject trill's auxiliary creates an open fifth with the subject's note; Czerny's mordent creates a third, and that would probably have been more to the taste of the …
What is the difference between a "triplet" and a "trill"
2015年6月3日 · a trill is a kind of ornamentation. Instead of a long (e.g. full) note one plays something like alternating 16ths from the note above the printed one and the printed one. …
ornaments - Trill notation with a wavy line - Music: Practice
2022年1月3日 · The sign for a trill is 'tr' (in bold italics). The wavy trill line is used to indicate the extent of the trill. The trill line is optional for a single note value, but it's necessary for tied …
Can trills have 3 notes instead of two? - Music: Practice & Theory ...
2024年7月8日 · However, by convention, the trill sign is usually used when you want the pianist to play at least 2 repetitions of the 2 main notes, so in your piece, using the trill sign is not …
keyboard - Trill in Bach fugue WTC 1 BWV 851 - Music: Practice
2016年5月8日 · This would allow a smooth trill and also a healthy suspension from the A to the G for the introduction of the theme in the dominant. This would also promote a controlled tempo. …