BraveWeb Resources - The University of North Carolina at Pembroke
BraveWeb is the student information gateway at UNC Pembroke. From this site, students can access personal information, financial records, and much more. BraveWeb is accessible from http://braveweb.uncp.edu or by using the Quicklinks menu at the top of UNCP web pages.
BravePortal | The University of North Carolina at Pembroke
BravePortal is a specially designed website that combines the most relevant information from diverse sources into a single interface. The portal is available at https://braveportal.uncp.edu. Intro to BravePortal
Canvas | The University of North Carolina at Pembroke
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. 1 University Drive Pembroke, NC 28372-1510 910.521.6000. PO Box 1510 Pembroke, NC 28372-1510
University of North Carolina Pembroke
The University of North Carolina at Pembroke offers diverse academic programs, student services, and a rich heritage in a supportive community.
BraveWeb Resources | Admissions at The University of North …
BraveWeb is the student information gateway at UNC Pembroke. From this site, students can access personal information, financial records, and much more. BraveWeb is accessible from http://braveweb.uncp.edu or by using the Quicklinks menu at the top of UNCP web pages.
Frequently Asked Questions | The University of North Carolina at Pembroke
Skip to main content ×. Academic Affairs; Academic and Military Outreach; Accessibility Resource Center
BraveMail Access | Admissions at The University of North Carolina …
On the login page, enter your email address and BraveWeb password. After initial login, you may need to select (UTC 05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) as the time zone. You will then have access to your BraveMail (Office 365) email, calendar, Microsoft Office apps and more.
Student Technology Information | Admissions at The University of …
A UNCP student network account provides access to technology resources such as BraveMail, BraveWeb, BraveWifi, Canvas, Webex, and lab computers. It is often referred to as a BraveWeb account since so many resources are available from within BraveWeb. BraveMail student email (Office 365) is managed by Microsoft, so students authenticate with ...
UNCP Fort Bragg Campus - The University of North Carolina at Pembroke
Register for your class(es) in BraveWeb; Email a copy of your tuition assistance funding document to [email protected] . A third-party billing code will be placed on your student account. You will receive an email notification confirming course submission and non-tuition related self-pay costs due by the end of the semester.
Registration Instructions - The University of North Carolina at Pembroke
Logging into Braveweb. Using the link below, login into Braveweb. https://braveweb.uncp.edu; Once logged in, click Banner Self Service. Next click, Student Services or Student. You'll now be at the Student Services menu. From this menu click, Registration. Registering for Courses. Click Registration for Classes.