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NVMe Test Plans - InterOperability Laboratory
The NVMe testing service currently offers the following test plans. These documents are constantly being updated to improve readability and to reflect the current specifications. …
NVMe® Technologies - InterOperability Laboratory
NVMe ® over iWARP (NVMe/iWARP) implements Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) for effective data transfer in today's global storage network. Member services include …
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Testing & Compliance - NVM Express
- Currently, the UNH-IOL’s testing software is available for the following product types: 1. NVMe SSDs 2. NVMe-MI (Management Interface) 3. NVMe/Fibre Channel (FC) 4. NVMe/RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) 5. NVMe/Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) For more information about the UNH-IOL’s NVMe Testing Services, visit their website here.
SSD上市前要做哪些认证 - SSD Fans
2017年8月3日 · IOL INTREACT PC EDITION Software: 基于UNH-IOL自己的NVMe Conformance Test Suite开源项目的工具,图形界面上手容易。 IOL INTERACT Teledyne-LeCroy EDITION Software:高级版本,必须配合LeCroy …
DERA D7000 系列顺利通过UNH-IOL NVMe 2.0 认证测 …
近期,DERA NVMe SSD D7000 系列产品以出色的表现顺利通过 IOL (InterOperability Laboratory) NVMe 认证测试,并正式成为全球首个在 NVMe Integrator's List 中支持 NVMe 2.0 版本的产品(其他均为 NVMe 1.4),技术 …
UNH-IOL Reservation 一致性测试用例【8】- 在不同 Reservation …
2023年7月25日 · IOL NVMe-MI Conformance测试计划》版本18.0是针对NVMe-MI 1.2技术文档的详细测试方案,由UNH-IOL(新罕布什尔大学互通性实验室)发布,旨在确保固态硬 …
面壁UNH IOL NVMe一致性测试之1 – Identify Command - 搜狐
2018年7月29日 · UNH IOL的全称是University of New Hampshire Interoperability Laboratory,中文翻译过来就是新罕布什尔大学互操作性实验室。 从2012年开始UNH IOL与NVMe组织联合 …
NVMe™ Integrator's List - InterOperability Laboratory
The NVMe Integrator's List (IL) contains useful information about NVMe Products that UNH-IOL has performed interoperability and conformance testing during an NVMe plugfest or through …
UNH - IOL - OCP NVMe® SSD Testing Services - Open Compute …
The UNH-IOL is the sole provider of NVM Express® conformance and interoperability testing that is required for products to be certified for the NVMe Integrators List. This latest test offering …
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