Is there an official or exhaustive list of all mat-icons in Angular?
There are around 900+ Angular Material icons divided across 10+ categories. You can find the complete 900+ icon list here. You need to load the Material Icons font CSS, in your module: import {MatIconModule} from '@angular/material/icon' In your module, but on imports: imports: [ (...), MatIconModule] Finally, some examples in your HTML:
How to use ionicon in Angular component? - Stack Overflow
Bonus (if you are using Angular Material): The material icons aren't bad, but I particularly like the Ionic ones, especially their outline variant. It may seem a little "hacky" but there's a way to use IONIC icons using mat-icon The idea is to use MatIconRegistry to register the IONIC icons as part of Angular Material.
angular - How to change mat-icon size in Material - Stack Overflow
Setting "height" and "width" was no option for me, because the rendered svg element of the mat-icon component has no viewBox attribute at the moment. But the viewBox attribute is mandatory to make it work with "height" and "width" styling. Maybe the …
How do I import svg from file to a component in angular 5?
2018年11月1日 · This may be a bit late for an answer, but here's how we found the solution. we tried looking up into how angular material does it for their icons, and boy were we surprised to how simple it really is. They were just fetching the file using HttpClient! It was already at the back of our minds but we kept ignoring it cause we thought maybe there ...
How do I use angular-fontawesome with Angular Material?
2019年2月14日 · Existing questions on this subject refer to how to use Angular with FontAwesome Icons and the Answer is ideally Angular FontAwesome. I searched both repo's and didn't really find much using angular-fontawesome. There are hints of …
angular - How to use/enable animated icons? - Stack Overflow
2018年7月13日 · However, I found my way to this question looking for a guide on how to animate angular material icons and for others looking for the same I have a solution. The default animation can be customized to something other than just a 360 degree rotation.
javascript - How to host material icons offline? - Stack Overflow
2016年5月17日 · npm install angular-material-icons --save or . npm install material-design-icons-iconfont --save material-design-icons-iconfont is the latest updated version of the icons. angular-material-icons is not updated for a long time. Wait wait wait install to be done and then add it to angular.json -> projects -> architect -> styles
angular - Using SVG icons in Angular2 - Stack Overflow
2017年2月8日 · In case you want to control SVG Image/Icon Css Styles dynamically through user inputs/events on UI please check out this link: Angular 2 : Controlling SVG Image/Icon Css Styles dynamically through user inputs/events on UI
How to change the Explorer in VS Code to have angular js icons
2018年8月24日 · What is the required addon on procedure in order to apply specific icons in to Explorer in VS Code.
Dynamically change icon in angular 6 - Stack Overflow
2019年8月21日 · Learn how to dynamically change icons in Angular 6 applications.